植物消炎、止痛、抗过敏—— 菠萝酶

2019-12-07  本文已影响0人  快乐_6ab7
植物消炎、止痛、抗过敏—— 菠萝酶



1、Bromelain 544mg 菠萝蛋白酶544毫克


2、White Willow Bark 100mg白柳树皮100毫克


2、Protease 70 mg *蛋白酶70毫克



1、Who should take Isotonix Bromelain Plus?

Isotonix Bromelain Plus is formulated for everyone, every day. Its unique combination of benefits – supporting the body’s normal ability to repair itself, promoting the body’s normal healing process, promoting optimal cell health and more – make it ideally suited for adults looking to keep their bodies healthy and to help support the body’s ability to deal with the wear and tear of everyday life.*

谁应该服用Isotonix Bromelain Plus?

Isotonix Bromelain Plus每天为每个人配制。其独特的益处组合 - 支持身体正常的自我修复能力,促进身体正常的愈合过程,促进最佳的细胞健康等 - 使其成为那些希望保持身体健康并帮助支持身体交易能力的成年人的理想选择随着日常生活的磨损。*



3、如何服用Isotonix Bromelain Plus?

正如方向所示,将3层白色瓶装的粉末倒入杯中。加6 fl。每盎司1/80毫升(顶盖上的线表示2液体盎司/ 60毫升)水并搅拌。作为膳食补充剂,每天服用一次或按照医务人员的指示服用。空腹时服用最大吸收。仅当使用指定量的粉末和水时,该产品才是等渗的。不要带食物。



我是一个非常活跃的人。 Isotonix Bromelain Plus如何支持我的身体正常的修复和愈合能力?

体育,慢跑,重量训练,健美操和武术等体育活动可能会对结缔组织造成机械应力或促氧化剂的正常积聚。 Isotonix Bromelain Plus是强效蛋白酶的浓缩混合物,旨在支持健康的炎症反应,以及正常的组织和恢复修复过程。这个过程可以促进您身体的正常康复过程,并保持您的日常治疗方案。*

我应该服用Isotonix Bromelain Plus和Isotonix Peak Performance Blend吗?

Isotonix Bromelain Plus和Isotonix Peak Performance Blend相得益彰。 Isotonix Peak Performance Blend将有助于支持您的关节功能和活动性,以及身体的正常修复和愈合过程。* Isotonix Bromelain Plus支持您的健康炎症反应和正常的愈合以及组织和恢复修复过程。此外,它还支持细胞健康和免疫系统,提供另一层保护。*

How do you take Isotonix Bromelain Plus?

As the directions suggest, pour 3 level, white bottle capfuls of powder into a cup. Add 6 fl. oz./180 ml (line on the overcap indicates 2 fl. oz./60ml) of water and stir. As a dietary supplement, take once daily or as directed by your healthcare provider. Maximum absorption occurs when taken on an empty stomach. This product is isotonic only if the specified amounts of powder and water are used. Do not take with food.

Where does bromelain come from?

Bromelain is found in every part of the pineapple, although it is most plentiful in the stem. Most commercially-grown pineapple is sliced, canned or juiced. The remains are rich with this substance, which is then extracted. Originally used as a meat tenderizer because of its ability to break down proteins, research now shows that powdered bromelain promotes health.*

How does bromelain work to support cell health?

Some cells in the body “disguise” themselves from the immune system by using a protein layering as a shield. Protease enzymes like bromelain help support your immune system in detecting these cells. These enzymes help support your body’s ability to engage in a so-called “cellular house cleaning” important to the maintenance of cellular health.*

I am a very active individual. How does Isotonix Bromelain Plus support my body’s normal ability to repair and heal?

Physical activities such as sports, jogging, weight training, aerobics, and martial arts can cause mechanical stress to connective tissues or the normal buildup of pro-oxidants. Isotonix Bromelain Plus is a concentrated blend of powerful protease enzymes designed to support a healthy inflammatory response, and the normal tissue and recovery repair process. This process promotes your body’s normal healing process and keep up your daily regimen.*

Should I take Isotonix Bromelain Plus with Isotonix Peak Performance Blend?

Isotonix Bromelain Plus and Isotonix Peak Performance Blend complement each other nicely. Isotonix Peak Performance Blend will help support your joint function and mobility, as well as the body’s normal repair and healing process.* Isotonix Bromelain Plus supports your healthy inflammatory response and normal healing and tissue and recovery repair process. In addition, it supports cellular health and your immune system, providing another layer of protection.*


