
2015-03-28  本文已影响63人  心翱翔


【约翰】:Stoosh[1] trainers, mate. Really suit[2] you.

【卢克】:Thank you.

【约翰】:I'll swap them for a Pepsi Max[3].

Pepsi MaxPepsi Max

【卢克】:I beg your pardon?

【杰森】:You need to meet[4] Black Elton John. He's been in here 12 times. He can literally[5] get you anything.

【约翰】:That's not my name, mate.

【杰森】:You've got to admit you look like him. The Candle In The Bin[6] guy.

【卢克】:Let's not bother[7] the nice man, and it's ' Wind'. Candle In The Wind.

Elton John: Candle In The WindElton John: Candle In The Wind

【杰森】:Why would you put a candle in the wind? It would just blow out[8]. That's why you put it in the bin.

【约翰】:Right, you're going to buy something or what[9]? Newbies[10] normally go for[11] my welcome pack[12]. Ten credits[13] gets you a sock[14] full of Minstrels[15], a roll[16] of satin[17] Andrex[18] and six pages of Nuts[19] magazine.

Food Welcome PackFood Welcome Pack Galaxy MinstrelsGalaxy Minstrels AndrexAndrex

【卢克】:I'm not really interested, but thank you.

【约翰】:Fair enough[20]. I can probably get you a copy of Big Spunkers[21] from somewhere?

【杰森】:Oh, I need a nice thick duvet[22] and a gun.



【卢克】:A gun, Jason? This isn't Ross Kemp On Gangs[23].

Ross Kemp On GangsRoss Kemp On Gangs

【约翰】:You just let me know and you guys'll be fine, as long as you...

【杰森】:Find the biggest guy in here and kick his face off[24].

【卢克】:No, keep our heads down[25].

【约翰】:I was going to say you'll be fine as long as you don't sit in Marcel's special seat.




【卢克】:Sorry, sorry, sorry.

【杰森】:Oh, that's Marcel! Apparently, they caught him with a policeman's helmet[27] in his glove box[28].

You can see a book or something in the glove boxYou can see a book or something in the glove box

【约翰】:It wasn't just the helmet. I heard it was full...

【杰森】:Sick[29]! Let's go kick some face.

【卢克】:No, let's not do anything to anyone's anything.



【杰森】:Good thinking[31]. Let's wait till there's more people around to see us kill him. So what about that guv[32] Dawn, then, Lulu? She couldn't take her eyes off my six-pack.

【卢克】:You haven't got a six-pack[33].


【杰森】:I do when I'm squatting[34].

【卢克】:Please stop talking.

【杰森】:Fine. When I bring her back to the cell tonight, you need to make yourself scared.

【卢克】:It's " make yourself scarce[35] " and you've got, literally, no chance with her.

【杰森】:You may not, but some of us have got the gift of the gob[36].




【杰森】:What was that brilliant line[37] I said to you before, Elt? It was so good. Yeah, that Dawn is one screw[38] I'd really like to...

Screw(prison officer)Screw(prison officer)


【卢克】:Do go on.


【卢克】:Xxxx? Jason, xxxxx! A screw I want to xxxxx!

【杰森】:Why's that better?

【卢克】:Dawn's a screw I really want to xxxxx!


【朵恩】:Well, that's never going to happen.

【卢克】:He said it, not me! I'm innocent[39], once again!

【朵恩】:That's a yellow card[40]. I'm very disappointed, Luke.

Yellow cardYellow card

【杰森】:We both are.

【朵恩】:Anyways, your girlfriend's here to see you unless you want to stand here chatting about my nether regions[41]?

【杰森】:Catch[42] you in a bit[43], yeah, Dawn?

(注:杰森说话之际,顺便坐在了小椅子上,向朵恩展示其坐下来才能显现出来的 “腹肌”,朵恩愣住了)

  1. 【stoosh】adj. 华丽而昂贵的,富裕的,富有的

  2. 【suit】v. 相配,合身;对(某人)方便,满足(某人)需要,合(某人)心意;适合,适宜,有利于

  3. 【Pepsi Max】百事极,百事可乐。该产品是美国一家跨国餐饮公司 PepsiCo 生产的一种产品

  4. 【meet】v. 满足,使满意

  5. 【literally】adv. 真正地,确实地;简直;按字面,字面上

  6. 【bin】n. 垃圾箱;(有盖的)大容器,箱,柜

  7. 【bother】v. 打扰;使(某人)烦恼(或担忧、不安)

  8. 【blow out】(灯等)熄灭,把(灯等)吹灭

  9. 【or what】还有别的什么;还是别的什么;还是其他的什么

  10. 【newbie】n. (尤指使用电脑的)新手;新人,菜鸟

  11. 【go for】喜欢;拥护;支持;偏袒;尽力求得;去拿(找、喊、请等)

  12. 【welcome pack】欢迎大礼包

  13. 【credit】n. (给某人的)一笔钱;存款金额;赊购;赊欠

  14. 【sock】n. 袜子;(短袜状的)套子,护套

  15. 【Minstrels】为美国火星股份有限公司(Mars, Inc.)生产的一种牛奶巧克力食品

  16. 【roll】n. 卷;打滚;翻滚;名单

  17. 【satin】adj. 缎子似的;平滑而有光泽的

  18. 【Andrex】是一种英国品牌的卫生纸卷,生产制造商是美国一家公司

  19. 【Nuts】是英国一种男性周刊杂志,每周二出售

  20. 【fair enough】(指想法、建议)有道理,说得对,行,可以,没问题

  21. 【spunker】n.(粗俗语)一般指50岁以上欲望强烈的妇女

  22. 【duvet】n. 羽绒被

  23. 【Ross Kemp On Gangs】英国系列纪录片的名字。该片曾于2006年10月16日至2009年1月6日分四个系列共18集在英国星空卫视播出,第一、二系列各有5集,第三、四系列各有4集。该片记录的是,由演员 Ross Kemp 环游世界,同一些国家的黑帮接触,并讲述帮派文化的故事。

  24. 【kick one's face off】打得某人屁滚尿流

  25. 【keep one's head down】(在困难或危险时)避免引人注意,保持低调,避免危险,防止分心

  26. 【oi】(非正式场合中尤用于愤怒时引起注意)嘿,喂,嗨,哎

  27. 【helmet】n. 头盔,安全帽,钢盔

  28. 【glove box(or glove compartment)】(汽车前排座位前或汽车仪表板上放置小物件的)杂物箱,储物箱

  29. 【sick】adj. 病态的,可怕的,恶心的,生病的,厌恶的

  30. 【ow】[aʊ] 感叹语(用于书面 表示突然感到疼痛时的叫喊声)哎哟

  31. 【good thinking】好主意,好思路,善于思考

  32. 【guv】n. (尤用于称呼男性客人)先生

  33. 【six-pack】n. 发达的腹肌;六瓶装,六罐装

  34. 【squat】v. 蹲,(举重)蹲举,收膝而坐,伏下身子;霸占,侵占(无人居住的房屋)

  35. 【make yourself scarce】避开,不露面。【scarce】 adj. 稀少的,缺乏的,不足的

  36. 【gift of the gob】实际上,应该为 “gift of the gab”(能说会道,口才,能言善道),这是杰森无知导致的错误。【gob】n. (粗俗语)嘴;少许(黏湿的物质);大量。【gab】n. 废话,空谈,唠叨;嘴

  37. 【line】n. (尤指为达到某种目的所说的)话,言语;线条;分界线;轮廓线;行,列;队伍;字行,诗行

  38. 【screw】n. (囚犯用语)狱警;螺(丝)钉;螺旋桨

  39. 【innocent】adj. 无辜的,清白的,无罪的,无辜受罪的

  40. 【yellow card】黄牌警告

  41. 【nether regions】(婉转语)下体;阴间,地狱。【neither】adj. 下部的,下面的,地下的

  42. 【catch】v. (尤指及时)遇到,联系上;抓获,捕捉,逮到;接住;击中

  43. 【in a bit】一会儿,过一会儿,等会儿,片刻

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