
BM新作: 在不自由的世界中如何找到自由(中英对照,第三部分)

2019-02-06  本文已影响77人  荆凯_EOS42







原文链接: https://medium.com/@bytemaster/how-to-find-freedom-in-a-unfree-world-59a416a0e8e0
作者: Dan Larimer
译者: 荆凯(EOS42)

EOS Cannon也翻译了一个版本,可以参考: Dan新文:如何在一个不自由的世界中找到自由



















这是政府和Google, Facebook这样的公司所学到的经验。如果在饮食、住所、交通、电力、通讯和医疗等方面,他们能够以政府强制的方式实现垄断,他们就能够提出任何要求,使绝大多数人臣服。

















Minimize Dependency on Single-Source Products & Services

If you care about your freedom, defined as ability to act independently or simply say “no” or “opt out”, then you should endeavor to ensure that your food, shelter, clothing, and social network are resilient to external dependencies. It is OK to have a cell phone, so long as you retain the ability to live a happy life without it. It is OK to buy durable goods that are not produced locally so long as they are durable and redundant enough to give you time to adapt if the durable good is no longer available.

Perhaps you should attempt a dry-run, see how long you can live without a particular good or service. If you don’t periodically fast from technology then you will not realize how your life has become critically dependent upon its presence.

We have created a culture based upon just-in-time inventory management, streaming entertainment, and instant communication. Each of these optimizations reduces our freedom if our freedom comes to depend upon its ongoing operation. The more dependent we become on these services, the less negotiation power we have in the market and with our governments.

Money is perhaps one of the most fundamental things upon which we depend. It is half of almost every transaction. Wherever possible we should seek to issue our own currency, or use a local currency, or barter with gold and silver. Anytime we use a non-local currency we transfer our freedom to a non-local financial system. If this non-local financial system decides to cut us off, then we have lost our means of trading with our neighbors.

There is no perfect solution, but where-ever possible we should attempt to support local businesses that also support other local businesses. By trading locally using local currencies we increase our local autonomy.

Building distributed online communities seems like an appealing way to organize like-minded people around the world; unfortunately, these communities and the individuals within them are unable to survive in a world where the major technology companies are coerced to crack down on freedom of communication.

Will you Trade Freedom for Comfort?

There is a story of a man who tried to hunt wild ducks to feed his family. He would go to the local pond with his shotgun and attempt to sneak up on the ducks. If he was lucky he would get one shot before the ducks flew away. If he was unlucky the ducks would hear him coming and fly away before he could get a shot off.

After a while he got tired of the amount of work required to catch a single bird so he found some bread and started feeding the birds. The birds gradually came to trust the man and forgot how to forage on their own. In time the man could walk up to any duck, grab it, and take it home for dinner.

Every time we choose the convenience of the free bread over foraging for ourselves we risk becoming sitting ducks. The more dependent we become, the fatter we get, the harder it is for us to fly away when the government comes for its pound of flesh.

So each day we have a choice, forage on our own (or with a small community) and increase our long-term freedom, or accept the free bread and increase our short-term comfort. For some people, a year of daily bread followed by quick death is better than a life time struggle for freedom. Some people choose to do drugs for the quick high, even if it destroys their life.

No man is an island, the abundance we experience today is a result of our co-dependence on the rest of society. The key is to make sure that for any product we come to depend upon that we have effectively limitless competitive sources of similar goods and services. If we allow ourselves to become dependent a small number of sources we become enslaved.

This is what companies like Google, Facebook, and the Government have learned. If they can get a government enforced monopoly on food, water, shelter, transportation, electricity, communication and health care then they can demand anything and get obedience from almost everyone. The cost of rocking the boat and getting cut off from the services your life depends upon is too high. Furthermore, you, the consumer, are no longer in charge of the services offered. Want healthy food? Too bad, you get a steril-food-like-substance. Want a light weight diesel car, too bad, you get an expensive electric car. Want uncensored internet, sorry. Want to shop online without being tracked, you are out of luck.

It isn’t just about freedom from corruption, it is also about resilience against nature and market conditions. A solar flare could disrupt global power systems and lead to mass starvation. A poorly placed earth quake could destroy critical factories. A new fungus could kill the vast mono-crops. If all of humanity comes to depend upon goods and services produced in any single region, then all of humanity becomes vulnerable to a localized disruption.

What do you need in life?


Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs says that we require basic food/shelter/clothing followed by safety/security, followed by love/belonging, followed by self-esteem and self-actualization. It seems to me that much of modern technology is a distraction that does not build one up toward self-actualization. It seems that we have been building our lives on top of low-quality food, which leads to poor health, and our friendships have become digital and disconnected.

The number one requirement for an enjoyable life is your health. This comes from having good, clean, nutrient rich food and a clean, warm place to live with a healthy community. For most people, a quality local social network, combined with locally produced food, shelter, and clothing will provide a much happier life than a digital social network living on food stamps and government housing.

The price of freedom is high, but the potential quality of life realized is priceless.

True decentralization requires local solutions, not global networks.


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