
The proper posture of being a 00

2018-02-07  本文已影响0人  韦韦ViVi

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, gorgeous and charms from 007. My name is Sera, you can also call me my Chinese nick name Weiwei. It's a great honor for me to be here and give you a little sharing. For those who expect me sharing some English learning skills, I'm sorry. Because I'm not going to do that. But don't be disappointed, I know there is this excellent high school English teacher who happen to be here today,Mrs Lin. And an English interpreter Mr Lin.I believe they would love to help you with any of your questions.

I don't wanna give speech about learning English, not because I don't think it's important. In the contrary, English is so important that I think everyone of us should know how to use. Do you know we already have fellow friends who can only speak English in our 007group? Globalization is not a slogan, it is happening around us. You don't need to dig too deep to find out this fact. So here I am, trying to give a full English table topic for the only agenda. To show you how natural and common it is to being an English speaker, or a listener.

So if you don't mind, I'm going to finish my speech in English. Is anyone there who oppose? Ok, thank you for your support. You guys are being such brilliant be-better-type learners.

And to tell you the truth, this is my very first time giving a full English speech. Only because this quick thought I got yesterday. I was thinking about the topic of mine, and I got unconfident. I felt that I don't have anything that worth sharing. Maybe I'm qualified to share some English learning methods, but I prefer to share how to be a good 007er. And then I thought who am I to tell people how to be a good 007er. Hey Sera, Who do you think you are? And suddenly, a bell rang to me, how about giving a speech of being a good 007er in English.

The listeners will get into a difficult situation. When you try to judge the speech itself, you would be like"What's she talking about?But she's speaking English." or "Oh, her English is suck,but be nice, she's trying to tell us something good sincerely". I know you will remember me cause you've never seen this before in a party. That's where I win.

The title of my speech is "The propper posture of being a 007er."

We all have the same identity, no matter you are 6 or 62, students or bosses, office workers or entrepreneurs. We call each other 007er. I don't know what do you feel about this address, I know many fellow 007ers are really proud of it. I am proud of it . Or there will not be this party tonight.

Being a 007er. You write articles every 7 days, you submit your homework you give comments down below of others's articles. You follow this agenda and you feel so complete,"I never thought I could stick to it. Oh my god I'm such a 励志girl, Yay".

But you don't need to wait long to realize that you are not good enough, in fact, you are such a small potato that whoever in this group would beat you like a snap. You assume that you don't get improved like everybody else. You start to feel anxious, then down, then self suspect then suspect 007, and, at last,maybe, leave.

These are things that happen everyday in 007. But I'm sure it won't happen to you beautiful guys here. You are here, that means you are in the advanced class, you are willing to spend time on knowing others.

So, how to be a good 007er.

Let's do this together, think this through. Name some people you can recall in 007. 覃杰 is definitely one, 金马,娜些年华,and your headstudents, and the fellows who are active and willing to help in your classes. Am I right?

They share some same qualities.

No1 is that they are always willing to help, they are  givers not takers. If you have ever been a giver before, you would've found out that you receive more right before you give. So when you complain about not getting growth, think about how much you give first.

No2 is, they usually love to encourage people, like crazy encourage machines.

No3 is they are good at grabbing chances. You may see someone who seems plain and generic yet always get the chance to stand out. Don't be jealous, grabbing opportunities is an important skill. So don't let it go later when you have the chance to stand up here to say something.

No4 is the most important one. Act at once. Scientists tell us that we have thousands of ideas coming out of our brains, only a few are reasonable, and none of them are valueble if you don't take movements. And if you don't act at once, you will never do it again. So you just keep being the same old normal plain you.

Do you know why did I open this party? Don't laugh at me. It was a really stupid reason. I got these little gifts from 苏磊. Gifts that will not be useful after the Chinese New Year, the red packets. So I need to organize a get-together party so that I can get rid of them,lol. And the same logic works for this full English speech, I got the thought and I took action immediately no matter how unsure I am about this hole stuff. I kept telling myself "this is cool, make it happen". And now, you see, I'm going to complete my speech, and I haven't said any Manderine at all.

You know this is the good and unique thing about 007. People are so nice that they usually don't judge and they are willing to appreciate your payments. Day after day, we attract nicer and nicer people. This how things work.  Don't waste this amazing resource, try your best to give, to encourage, to get the chance to lose face, to act immediately.

Thank you everybody, once again, I'm Sera.

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