Concerning Red-Black BST
2021-01-03 本文已影响0人
This post presents the various Red-Black BST functions; functions that are absent can be found in
previous posts on BST(they are the same).
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "linked_list_bag.c"
* A implemented of red-black bst;
* Reference: Algorithms 4ed, by R. Sedgewick & Kevin Wayne
int* Int(int i) {
int *p = (int*)malloc(sizeof(*p));
*p = i;
return p;
char* String(char *s) {
char *p = (char*)malloc((strlen(s) + 1) * sizeof(*p));
strcpy(p, s);
return p;
int int_cmp(void *k1, void *k2) { return *(int*)k1 - *(int*)k2; }
int str_cmp(void *k1, void *k2) { return strcmp((char*)k1, (char*)k2); }
#define RED true
#define BLK false
enum RBBSTKeyType {
RBBSTKeyTypeString = 0,
RBBSTKeyTypeInt = 1
typedef struct RBBSTNodeStruct {
void *key;
int value;
int count;
bool color;
struct RBBSTNodeStruct *left, *right;
typedef struct RBBSTreeStruct {
LinkedListBag keys;
RBBSTNode root;
enum RBBSTKeyType keyType;
int (*key_cmp)(void*, void*);
RBBSTNode RBBSTNodeCreate(void *key, int val, bool color) {
RBBSTNode x = (RBBSTNode)malloc(sizeof(*x));
x->key = key;
x->value = val;
x->left = x->right = NULL;
x->count = 1;
x->color = color;
return x;
void RBBSTNodeRelease(RBBSTNode node) {
if (node == NULL) return;
RBBSTree RBBSTreeCreate(enum RBBSTKeyType keyType) {
RBBSTree rbbst = (RBBSTree)malloc(sizeof(*rbbst));
rbbst->keyType = keyType;
rbbst->keys = LinkedListBagCreate();
rbbst->root = NULL;
if (keyType == RBBSTKeyTypeString) {
rbbst->key_cmp = str_cmp;
} else if (keyType == RBBSTKeyTypeInt) {
rbbst->key_cmp = int_cmp;
return rbbst;
void RBBSTreeRelease_Internal(RBBSTNode root) {
if (root == NULL) return;
if (root->left != NULL) { RBBSTreeRelease_Internal(root->left); }
if (root->right != NULL) { RBBSTreeRelease_Internal(root->right); }
void RBBSTreeRelease(RBBSTree rbbst) {
if (rbbst == NULL) return;
int RBBSTreeCount_Internal(RBBSTNode node) { return node != NULL ? node->count : 0; }
int RBBSTreeCount(RBBSTree rbbst) { return rbbst != NULL ? RBBSTreeCount_Internal(rbbst->root) : 0; }
bool RBBSTNodeIsRed(RBBSTNode x) { return x!= NULL && x->color; }
RBBSTNode RBBSTreeRotateLeft(RBBSTNode root) {
RBBSTNode right = root->right;
root->right = right->left;
right->left = root;
right->color = root->color;
root->color = RED;
right->count = root->count;
root->count = 1 + RBBSTreeCount_Internal(root->left) + RBBSTreeCount_Internal(root->right);
return right;
RBBSTNode RBBSTreeRotateRight(RBBSTNode root) {
RBBSTNode left = root->left;
root->left = left->right;
left->right = root;
left->color = root->color;
root->color = RED;
left->count = root->count;
root->count = 1 + RBBSTreeCount_Internal(root->left) + RBBSTreeCount_Internal(root->right);
return left;
void RBBSTreeFlipColors(RBBSTNode root) { root->left->color = root->right->color = !(root->color = !(root->color)); }
RBBSTNode RBBSTreeSet_Internal(RBBSTree rbbst, RBBSTNode root, void *key, int val) {
if (root == NULL) { return RBBSTNodeCreate(key, val, RED); }
int cmp = rbbst->key_cmp(key, root->key);
if (cmp < 0) {
root->left = RBBSTreeSet_Internal(rbbst, root->left, key, val);
} else if (cmp > 0) {
root->right = RBBSTreeSet_Internal(rbbst, root->right, key, val);
} else {
root->value = val;
if (RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->right) && !RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->left)) root = RBBSTreeRotateLeft(root);
if (RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->left) && RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->left->left)) root = RBBSTreeRotateRight(root);
if (RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->left) && RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->right)) RBBSTreeFlipColors(root);
root->count = RBBSTreeCount_Internal(root->left) + RBBSTreeCount_Internal(root->right) + 1;
return root;
void RBBSTreeSet(RBBSTree rbbst, void *key, int val) {
if (key == NULL || rbbst == NULL) return;
if (rbbst->keyType == RBBSTKeyTypeString) { key = String(key); }
rbbst->root = RBBSTreeSet_Internal(rbbst, rbbst->root, key, val);
rbbst->root->color = BLK;
int RBBSTreeGet_Internal(RBBSTree rbbst, RBBSTNode root, void *key) {
if (root == NULL) return INT_MIN;
int com = rbbst->key_cmp(key, root->key);
if (com < 0) {
return RBBSTreeGet_Internal(rbbst, root->left, key);
} else if (com == 0) {
return root->value;
} else {
return RBBSTreeGet_Internal(rbbst, root->right, key);
int RBBSTreeGet(RBBSTree rbbst, void *key) { return key == NULL || rbbst == NULL || rbbst->root == NULL ? INT_MIN : RBBSTreeGet_Internal(rbbst, rbbst->root, key); }
RBBSTNode RBBSTreeMin(RBBSTNode root) {
if (root == NULL) return NULL;
if (root->left != NULL) {
return RBBSTreeMin(root->left);
} else {
return root;
RBBSTNode RBBSTreeMax(RBBSTNode root) {
if (root == NULL) return NULL;
if (root->right != NULL) {
return RBBSTreeMax(root->right);
} else {
return root;
RBBSTNode RBBSTreeBalance(RBBSTNode root) {
if (RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->right) && !RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->left)) root = RBBSTreeRotateLeft(root);
if (RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->left) && RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->left->left)) root = RBBSTreeRotateRight(root);
if (RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->left) && RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->right)) RBBSTreeFlipColors(root);
root->count = RBBSTreeCount_Internal(root->left) + RBBSTreeCount_Internal(root->right) + 1;
return root;
RBBSTNode RBBSTreeMoveRedLeft(RBBSTNode root) {
if (RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->right->left)) {
root->right = RBBSTreeRotateRight(root->right);
root = RBBSTreeRotateLeft(root);
return root;
RBBSTNode RBBSTreeDeleteMin_Internal(RBBSTNode root) {
if (root->left == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (!RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->left) && !RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->left->left)) { root = RBBSTreeMoveRedLeft(root); }
root->left = RBBSTreeDeleteMin_Internal(root->left);
return RBBSTreeBalance(root);;
void RBBSTreeDeleteMin(RBBSTree rbbst) {
if (rbbst == NULL || rbbst->root == NULL) return;
if (!RBBSTNodeIsRed(rbbst->root->left)) { rbbst->root->color = RED; }
rbbst->root = RBBSTreeDeleteMin_Internal(rbbst->root);
if (RBBSTreeCount_Internal(rbbst->root) != 0) rbbst->root->color = BLK;
RBBSTNode RBBSTreeMoveRedRight(RBBSTNode root) {
if (!RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->left->left)) { root = RBBSTreeRotateRight(root); }
return root;
RBBSTNode RBBSTreeDeleteMax_Internal(RBBSTNode root) {
if (RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->left)) { root = RBBSTreeRotateRight(root); }
if (root->right == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (!RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->right) && !RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->right->left)) { root = RBBSTreeMoveRedRight(root); }
root->right = RBBSTreeDeleteMax_Internal(root->right);
return RBBSTreeBalance(root);
void RBBSTreeDeleteMax(RBBSTree rbbst) {
if (rbbst == NULL || rbbst->root == NULL) return;
if (!RBBSTNodeIsRed(rbbst->root->left)) rbbst->root->color = RED;
rbbst->root = RBBSTreeDeleteMax_Internal(rbbst->root);
if (rbbst->root != NULL) rbbst->root->color = BLK;
RBBSTNode RBBSTreeDelete_Internal(RBBSTree rbbst, RBBSTNode root, void *key) {
int com = rbbst->key_cmp(key, root->key);
if (com < 0) {
if (!RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->left) && !RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->left->left)) { root = RBBSTreeMoveRedLeft(root); }
root->left = RBBSTreeDelete_Internal(rbbst, root->left, key);
} else {
if (RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->left)) { root = RBBSTreeRotateRight(root); }
if (com == 0 && root->right == NULL) {//last node
return NULL;
if (!RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->right) && !RBBSTNodeIsRed(root->right->left)) { root = RBBSTreeMoveRedRight(root); }
com = rbbst->key_cmp(key, root->key);
if (com == 0) {
RBBSTNode min = RBBSTreeMin(root->right);
root->value = min->value;
if (rbbst->keyType == RBBSTKeyTypeString) {
root->key = String(min->key);
} else if (rbbst->keyType == RBBSTKeyTypeInt) {
root->key = Int(*(int*)min->key);
root->right = RBBSTreeDeleteMin_Internal(root->right);
} else {
root->right = RBBSTreeDelete_Internal(rbbst, root->right, key);
return RBBSTreeBalance(root);
void RBBSTreeDelete(RBBSTree rbbst, void *key) {
if (key == NULL || rbbst == NULL || rbbst->root == NULL) return;
if (!RBBSTNodeIsRed(rbbst->root->left)) { rbbst->root->color = RED; }
rbbst->root = RBBSTreeDelete_Internal(rbbst, rbbst->root, key);
if (rbbst->root != NULL) rbbst->root->color = BLK;
#define L -1
#define R 1
#define P 0
void RBBSTreePrintLevel(RBBSTree rbbst, RBBSTNode root, int level, int k) {
if (root == NULL) return;
int i = level;
while (i-- > 0) { printf("-"); }
if (rbbst->keyType == RBBSTKeyTypeString) {
printf("{%s %s: %i; %i %c %s}\n", k == L ? "'" : "", root->key, root->value, root->count, root->color ? 'R' : 'B', k == R ? "'" : "");
} else if (rbbst->keyType == RBBSTKeyTypeInt) {
printf("{%s %i: %i; %i %c %s}\n", k == L ? "'" : "", *(int*)(root->key), root->value, root->count, root->color ? 'R' : 'B', k == R ? "'" : "");
if (root->left != NULL) { RBBSTreePrintLevel(rbbst, root->left, level + 1, L); }
if (root->right != NULL) { RBBSTreePrintLevel(rbbst, root->right, level + 1, R); }
void RBBSTreePrint(RBBSTree rbbst) {
if (rbbst == NULL) return;
RBBSTreePrintLevel(rbbst, rbbst->root, 0, P);