

2015-12-01  本文已影响13960人  MakingChoice


 * angular-ui-bootstrap

 * Version: 0.14.3 - 2015-10-23
 * License: MIT
angular.module("ui.bootstrap", ["ui.bootstrap.tpls","ui.bootstrap.modal","ui.bootstrap.stackedMap"]);
angular.module("ui.bootstrap.tpls", ["template/modal/backdrop.html","template/modal/window.html"]);
angular.module('ui.bootstrap.modal', ['ui.bootstrap.stackedMap'])
 * A helper, internal data structure that stores all references attached to key
  .factory('$$multiMap', function() {//生成一个map数据结构用来保存
    return {
      createNew: function() {
        var map = {};//内部数据,声明周期是整个app的声明周期,用来保存数据

        return {
          entries: function() {//生成一个map数据结构
            return Object.keys(map).map(function(key) {//Object.keys(keys).map(function(key){})  Object.keys(keys)返回keys上的所有属性和方法
              return {
                key: key,
                value: map[key]
          get: function(key) {//get 获取map上对应key的value
            return map[key];
          hasKey: function(key) {//判断map数据结构上是否有key
            return !!map[key]; //把!!强制转换为布尔类型
          keys: function() { //返回map数据结构上的所有属性和方法
            return Object.keys(map);
          put: function(key, value) {//把key-value放入map
            if (!map[key]) {
              map[key] = []; //一个key可以对应多个value

          remove: function(key, value) {// 移除key-vaue值
            var values = map[key];

            if (!values) {

            var idx = values.indexOf(value);

            if (idx !== -1) {
              values.splice(idx, 1);//splice(index,1)

            if (!values.length) {
              delete map[key];

 * A helper directive for the $modal service. It creates a backdrop element.
  .directive('uibModalBackdrop', [ //背景指令
           '$animate', '$injector', '$uibModalStack',
  function($animate ,  $injector,   $modalStack) {
    var $animateCss = null;

    if ($injector.has('$animateCss')) { //判断$animateCss是否注入到服务中
      $animateCss = $injector.get('$animateCss');//如果有获取

    return {
      replace: true,
      templateUrl: 'template/modal/backdrop.html',
      compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
        tElement.addClass(tAttrs.backdropClass); //为element添加backdrop-class属性对应的类名
        return linkFn;

    function linkFn(scope, element, attrs) {
      // Temporary fix for prefixing

      if (attrs.modalInClass) {//如果属性集合中有modal-in-class
        if ($animateCss) {//并且有$animateCss
          $animateCss(element, {//调用函数
            addClass: attrs.modalInClass
        } else {
          $animate.addClass(element, attrs.modalInClass);// 使用angular自定义动画,添加属性集合中modal-in-class对应的类

        scope.$on($modalStack.NOW_CLOSING_EVENT, function(e, setIsAsync) {//监听$modalStack.NOW_CLOSING_EVENT事件
          var done = setIsAsync();
          if ($animateCss) {
            $animateCss(element, {
              removeClass: attrs.modalInClass
          } else {
            $animate.removeClass(element, attrs.modalInClass).then(done);// 使用angular自定义动画,添加属性集合中modal-in-class对应的类

  .directive('uibModalWindow', [//模态窗口指令
           '$uibModalStack', '$q', '$animate', '$injector',
  function($modalStack ,  $q ,  $animate,   $injector) {
    var $animateCss = null;

    if ($injector.has('$animateCss')) {//判断是否注入了$animateCss这个服务
      $animateCss = $injector.get('$animateCss');//如果有就获取

    return {
      scope: {
        index: '@'//同父scope的index属性进行绑定
      replace: true,
      transclude: true,
      templateUrl: function(tElement, tAttrs) { //模板
        return tAttrs.templateUrl || 'template/modal/window.html';
      link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
        element.addClass(attrs.windowClass || '');//为element添加属性集合attrs中window-class属性对应的类,就是in
        element.addClass(attrs.windowTopClass || '');//为element添加属性集合attrs中window-top-class属性对应的类
        scope.size = attrs.size;

        scope.close = function(evt) { //关闭方法
          var modal = $modalStack.getTop(); //获取$uibModalStack顶部栈
          if (modal && modal.value.backdrop && modal.value.backdrop !== 'static' && ( === evt.currentTarget)) {
            evt.preventDefault(); //阻止默认方法
            $modalStack.dismiss(modal.key, 'backdrop click');//调用$uibModalStack中返回的dismiss方法,解除key-value

        // moved from template to fix issue #2280
        element.on('click', scope.close);

        // This property is only added to the scope for the purpose of detecting when this directive is rendered.
        // We can detect that by using this property in the template associated with this directive and then use
        // {@link Attribute#$observe} on it. For more details please see {@link TableColumnResize}.
        scope.$isRendered = true;

        // Deferred object that will be resolved when this modal is render.
        var modalRenderDeferObj = $q.defer();//获取一个异步对象
        // Observe function will be called on next digest cycle after compilation, ensuring that the DOM is ready.
        // In order to use this way of finding whether DOM is ready, we need to observe a scope property used in modal's template.
        attrs.$observe('modalRender', function(value) { 
          if (value == 'true') {

        modalRenderDeferObj.promise.then(function() {
          var animationPromise = null;

          if (attrs.modalInClass) {//同上都是来判断用什么动画方法
            if ($animateCss) {
              animationPromise = $animateCss(element, {
                addClass: attrs.modalInClass
            } else {
              animationPromise = $animate.addClass(element, attrs.modalInClass);

            scope.$on($modalStack.NOW_CLOSING_EVENT, function(e, setIsAsync) {
              var done = setIsAsync();
              if ($animateCss) {
                $animateCss(element, {
                  removeClass: attrs.modalInClass
              } else {
                $animate.removeClass(element, attrs.modalInClass).then(done);

          $q.when(animationPromise).then(function() {
            var inputWithAutofocus = element[0].querySelector('[autofocus]');//获取element中有[autofocus]属性的元素
             * Auto-focusing of a freshly-opened modal element causes any child elements
             * with the autofocus attribute to lose focus. This is an issue on touch
             * based devices which will show and then hide the onscreen keyboard.
             * Attempts to refocus the autofocus element via JavaScript will not reopen
             * the onscreen keyboard. Fixed by updated the focusing logic to only autofocus
             * the modal element if the modal does not contain an autofocus element.
            if (inputWithAutofocus) {
              inputWithAutofocus.focus(); //获取焦点
            } else {

          // Notify {@link $modalStack} that modal is rendered.
          var modal = $modalStack.getTop();//获取顶部的栈
          if (modal) {
            $modalStack.modalRendered(modal.key); //渲染顶部栈

  .directive('uibModalAnimationClass', function() { //uib-modal-animation-class的指令
    return {
      compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
        if (tAttrs.modalAnimation) {

  .directive('uibModalTransclude', function() { //ui-modal-transclude指令
    return {
      link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, controller, $transclude) { //transclude链接函数是实际被执行用来克隆元素和操作DOM的函数
        $transclude($scope.$parent, function(clone) {
          $element.empty(); //清空element

  .factory('$uibModalStack', [ //$uibModalStack服务
             '$animate', '$timeout', '$document', '$compile', '$rootScope',
    function($animate ,  $timeout ,  $document ,  $compile ,  $rootScope ,
              $$stackedMap) {
      var $animateCss = null;

      if ($injector.has('$animateCss')) { //判断是否有注入的$animateCss动画
        $animateCss = $injector.get('$animateCss');//获取

      var OPENED_MODAL_CLASS = 'modal-open';

      var backdropDomEl, backdropScope;
      var openedWindows = $$stackedMap.createNew();//$$stackedMap实例
      var openedClasses = $$multiMap.createNew();//$$multiMap实例
      var $modalStack = { 

      //Modal focus behavior
      var focusableElementList;
      var focusIndex = 0;
      var tababbleSelector = 'a[href], area[href], input:not([disabled]), ' + //多去焦点的元素
        'button:not([disabled]),select:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), ' +
        'iframe, object, embed, *[tabindex], *[contenteditable=true]';

      function backdropIndex() { //设置背景z-index值
        var topBackdropIndex = -1;
        var opened = openedWindows.keys(); //获取openedWindows中map对象所有的属性和方法
        for (var i = 0; i < opened.length; i++) {
          if (openedWindows.get(opened[i]).value.backdrop) { //遍历openedWindows中value属性中backdrop
            topBackdropIndex = i;
        return topBackdropIndex;

      $rootScope.$watch(backdropIndex, function(newBackdropIndex) { //监听backdropIndex,当有新的值的时候backdropScope.index等于新值
        if (backdropScope) {
          backdropScope.index = newBackdropIndex;

      function removeModalWindow(modalInstance, elementToReceiveFocus) { //移除模态窗口
        var body = $document.find('body').eq(0);//获取body对象
        var modalWindow = openedWindows.get(modalInstance).value; //获取openedWindows中modalInstance对应的实例的值

        //clean up the stack

        removeAfterAnimate(modalWindow.modalDomEl, modalWindow.modalScope, function() { //移除后动画函数
          var modalBodyClass = modalWindow.openedClass || OPENED_MODAL_CLASS; //value值中openedClass的属性值
          openedClasses.remove(modalBodyClass, modalInstance);//另一个map结构也移除
          body.toggleClass(modalBodyClass, openedClasses.hasKey(modalBodyClass));//body toggleClass动画

        //move focus to specified element if available, or else to body
        if (elementToReceiveFocus && elementToReceiveFocus.focus) { //获取焦点
        } else {

      // Add or remove "windowTopClass" from the top window in the stack 添加或删除windowTopClass的类名在栈顶上
      function toggleTopWindowClass(toggleSwitch) {
        var modalWindow;

        if (openedWindows.length() > 0) {
          modalWindow =;//openedWindows栈顶的value值
          modalWindow.modalDomEl.toggleClass(modalWindow.windowTopClass || '', toggleSwitch);//modalWindow上的元素动画

      function checkRemoveBackdrop() {
        //remove backdrop if no longer needed
        if (backdropDomEl && backdropIndex() == -1) {
          var backdropScopeRef = backdropScope;
          removeAfterAnimate(backdropDomEl, backdropScope, function() {
            backdropScopeRef = null;
          backdropDomEl = undefined;
          backdropScope = undefined;

      function removeAfterAnimate(domEl, scope, done) { //动画后移除dom
        var asyncDeferred;
        var asyncPromise = null;
        var setIsAsync = function() { //生成一个promise对象
          if (!asyncDeferred) {
            asyncDeferred = $q.defer();
            asyncPromise = asyncDeferred.promise;

          return function asyncDone() {
        scope.$broadcast($modalStack.NOW_CLOSING_EVENT, setIsAsync);

        // Note that it's intentional that asyncPromise might be null.
        // That's when setIsAsync has not been called during the
        // NOW_CLOSING_EVENT broadcast.
        return $q.when(asyncPromise).then(afterAnimating);//执行

        function afterAnimating() { //对应动画
          if (afterAnimating.done) {
          afterAnimating.done = true;

          if ($animateCss) {
            $animateCss(domEl, {
              event: 'leave'
            }).start().then(function() {
          } else {
          if (done) {

      $document.bind('keydown', function(evt) {//绑定keydow事件
        if (evt.isDefaultPrevented()) { //判断是否调用e.preventDefault函数
          return evt;

        var modal =; //获取栈顶值
        if (modal && modal.value.keyboard) {
          switch (evt.which) {
            case 27: {
              $rootScope.$apply(function() {
                $modalStack.dismiss(modal.key, 'escape key press');
            case 9: {
              var focusChanged = false;
              if (evt.shiftKey) {
                if ($modalStack.isFocusInFirstItem(evt)) {
                  focusChanged = $modalStack.focusLastFocusableElement();
              } else {
                if ($modalStack.isFocusInLastItem(evt)) {
                  focusChanged = $modalStack.focusFirstFocusableElement();

              if (focusChanged) {

      $ = function(modalInstance, modal) { //创建一个模态框
        var modalOpener = $document[0].activeElement, //获取有焦点的元素
          modalBodyClass = modal.openedClass || OPENED_MODAL_CLASS; //获取类名


        openedWindows.add(modalInstance, {//openedWindows注入keyvalue形式默认参数
          deferred: modal.deferred,
          renderDeferred: modal.renderDeferred,
          modalScope: modal.scope,
          backdrop: modal.backdrop,
          keyboard: modal.keyboard,
          openedClass: modal.openedClass,
          windowTopClass: modal.windowTopClass

        openedClasses.put(modalBodyClass, modalInstance); //openedClasses注入模态的类,和刚才注入的模态实例

        var body = $document.find('body').eq(0), //获取body对象
            currBackdropIndex = backdropIndex(); //获取有backdrop的属性值的索引

        if (currBackdropIndex >= 0 && !backdropDomEl) {//如果存在
          backdropScope = $rootScope.$new(true);//生成新的scope
          backdropScope.index = currBackdropIndex;
          var angularBackgroundDomEl = angular.element('<div uib-modal-backdrop="modal-backdrop"></div>');//生成背景angular元素
          angularBackgroundDomEl.attr('backdrop-class', modal.backdropClass);//添加backdrop-class属性值,为modal.backdropClass
          if (modal.animation) {//如果modal传入了animation
            angularBackgroundDomEl.attr('modal-animation', 'true');//设置属性modal-animation为true
          backdropDomEl = $compile(angularBackgroundDomEl)(backdropScope);//$compile编译angulardom元素,并且传入当前scope,生成dom元素

        var angularDomEl = angular.element('<div uib-modal-window="modal-window"></div>');//模态窗
          'template-url': modal.windowTemplateUrl,
          'window-class': modal.windowClass,
          'window-top-class': modal.windowTopClass,
          'size': modal.size,
          'index': openedWindows.length() - 1,
          'animate': 'animate'
        if (modal.animation) {
          angularDomEl.attr('modal-animation', 'true');

        var modalDomEl = $compile(angularDomEl)(modal.scope); = modalDomEl;//获取openedWindows栈顶值的dom元素 = modalOpener;


      function broadcastClosing(modalWindow, resultOrReason, closing) {//向下广播事件modal.closing
        return !modalWindow.value.modalScope.$broadcast('modal.closing', resultOrReason, closing).defaultPrevented;//preventDefault把defaultPrevented标志设置为true。尽管不能停止事件的传播,可以告诉子作用域无需处理这个事件
      $modalStack.close = function(modalInstance, result) {
        var modalWindow = openedWindows.get(modalInstance);
        if (modalWindow && broadcastClosing(modalWindow, result, true)) {
          modalWindow.value.modalScope.$$uibDestructionScheduled = true;
          removeModalWindow(modalInstance, modalWindow.value.modalOpener);
          return true;
        return !modalWindow;
      $modalStack.dismiss = function(modalInstance, reason) {
        var modalWindow = openedWindows.get(modalInstance);
        if (modalWindow && broadcastClosing(modalWindow, reason, false)) {
          modalWindow.value.modalScope.$$uibDestructionScheduled = true;
          removeModalWindow(modalInstance, modalWindow.value.modalOpener);
          return true;
        return !modalWindow;

      $modalStack.dismissAll = function(reason) {//解除所有模态框
        var topModal = this.getTop();
        while (topModal && this.dismiss(topModal.key, reason)) {
          topModal = this.getTop();

      $modalStack.getTop = function() {//返回openedWindows栈顶

      $modalStack.modalRendered = function(modalInstance) {//重新渲染
        var modalWindow = openedWindows.get(modalInstance);
        if (modalWindow) {

      $modalStack.focusFirstFocusableElement = function() {//获取第一个焦点值
        if (focusableElementList.length > 0) {
          return true;
        return false;
      $modalStack.focusLastFocusableElement = function() {//获取最后一个焦点值
        if (focusableElementList.length > 0) {
          focusableElementList[focusableElementList.length - 1].focus();
          return true;
        return false;

      $modalStack.isFocusInFirstItem = function(evt) {//判断第一个是否获取焦点
        if (focusableElementList.length > 0) {
          return ( || evt.srcElement) == focusableElementList[0];
        return false;

      $modalStack.isFocusInLastItem = function(evt) {//判断最后一个是否获取焦点
        if (focusableElementList.length > 0) {
          return ( || evt.srcElement) == focusableElementList[focusableElementList.length - 1];
        return false;

      $modalStack.clearFocusListCache = function() {//清空焦点
        focusableElementList = [];
        focusIndex = 0;

      $modalStack.loadFocusElementList = function(modalWindow) {//获取所有焦点的对象
        if (focusableElementList === undefined || !focusableElementList.length) {
          if (modalWindow) {
            var modalDomE1 = modalWindow.value.modalDomEl;
            if (modalDomE1 && modalDomE1.length) {
              focusableElementList = modalDomE1[0].querySelectorAll(tababbleSelector);

      return $modalStack;

  .provider('$uibModal', function() {
    var $modalProvider = {
      options: {
        animation: true,
        backdrop: true, //can also be false or 'static'
        keyboard: true
      $get: ['$injector', '$rootScope', '$q', '$templateRequest', '$controller', '$uibModalStack', '$modalSuppressWarning', '$log',
        function ($injector, $rootScope, $q, $templateRequest, $controller, $modalStack, $modalSuppressWarning, $log) {
          var $modal = {};

          function getTemplatePromise(options) {//
            return options.template ? $q.when(options.template) :
              $templateRequest(angular.isFunction(options.templateUrl) ? (options.templateUrl)() : options.templateUrl);//$templateRequest通过http下载模板,并存储在templateCache缓存中

          function getResolvePromises(resolves) {//获取resolvespromise对象
            var promisesArr = [];
            angular.forEach(resolves, function(value) {
              if (angular.isFunction(value) || angular.isArray(value)) {
              } else if (angular.isString(value)) {
              } else {
            return promisesArr;

          var promiseChain = null;//返回promise链
          $modal.getPromiseChain = function() {
            return promiseChain;

          $ = function(modalOptions) {
            var modalResultDeferred = $q.defer();//获取延迟对象
            var modalOpenedDeferred = $q.defer();//获取延迟对象
            var modalRenderDeferred = $q.defer();//获取延迟对象

            //prepare an instance of a modal to be injected into controllers and returned to a caller
            var modalInstance = {//模态实例
              result: modalResultDeferred.promise,//获取promise对象
              opened: modalOpenedDeferred.promise,//获取promise对象
              rendered: modalRenderDeferred.promise,//获取promise对象
              close: function (result) { //关闭实例
                return $modalStack.close(modalInstance, result);
              dismiss: function (reason) {//解除实例(即不可能完成promise)
                return $modalStack.dismiss(modalInstance, reason);

            //merge and clean up options
            modalOptions = angular.extend({}, $modalProvider.options, modalOptions);//把传入的modalOptions同$modalProvider.options进行扩展
            modalOptions.resolve = modalOptions.resolve || {};

            //verify options
            if (!modalOptions.template && !modalOptions.templateUrl) {//当templateUrl并且template不存在抛出错误
              throw new Error('One of template or templateUrl options is required.');

            var templateAndResolvePromise =

            function resolveWithTemplate() {
              return templateAndResolvePromise;

            // Wait for the resolution of the existing promise chain.
            // Then switch to our own combined promise dependency (regardless of how the previous modal fared).
            // Then add to $modalStack and resolve opened.
            // Finally clean up the chain variable if no subsequent modal has overwritten it.
            var samePromise;
            samePromise = promiseChain = $q.all([promiseChain])
              .then(resolveWithTemplate, resolveWithTemplate)
              .then(function resolveSuccess(tplAndVars) {//成功resolve

                var modalScope = (modalOptions.scope || $rootScope).$new();//生成一个新的scope
                modalScope.$close = modalInstance.close;
                modalScope.$dismiss = modalInstance.dismiss;

                modalScope.$on('$destroy', function() {//modalScope监听$destroy
                  if (!modalScope.$$uibDestructionScheduled) {

                var ctrlInstance, ctrlLocals = {};
                var resolveIter = 1;

                if (modalOptions.controller) {
                  ctrlLocals.$scope = modalScope;
                  ctrlLocals.$uibModalInstance = modalInstance;
                  Object.defineProperty(ctrlLocals, '$modalInstance', {//设置属性Object.defineProperty(对象名,属性名,属性)
                    get: function() {
                      if (!$modalSuppressWarning) {
                        $log.warn('$modalInstance is now deprecated. Use $uibModalInstance instead.');

                      return modalInstance;
                  angular.forEach(modalOptions.resolve, function(value, key) {
                    ctrlLocals[key] = tplAndVars[resolveIter++];//把resolve植入ctrlLocals

                  ctrlInstance = $controller(modalOptions.controller, ctrlLocals);//加载控制器并传入一个作用域$controller
                  if (modalOptions.controllerAs) { 
                    if (modalOptions.bindToController) {
                      angular.extend(ctrlInstance, modalScope);//把modalScope扩展到ctrlInstance实例上

                    modalScope[modalOptions.controllerAs] = ctrlInstance;

                $, {//生成模态框
                  scope: modalScope,
                  deferred: modalResultDeferred,
                  renderDeferred: modalRenderDeferred,
                  content: tplAndVars[0],
                  animation: modalOptions.animation,
                  backdrop: modalOptions.backdrop,
                  keyboard: modalOptions.keyboard,
                  backdropClass: modalOptions.backdropClass,
                  windowTopClass: modalOptions.windowTopClass,
                  windowClass: modalOptions.windowClass,
                  windowTemplateUrl: modalOptions.windowTemplateUrl,
                  size: modalOptions.size,
                  openedClass: modalOptions.openedClass

            }, function resolveError(reason) {
            .finally(function() {
              if (promiseChain === samePromise) {
                promiseChain = null;

            return modalInstance;

          return $modal;

    return $modalProvider;

/* deprecated modal below */


  .value('$modalSuppressWarning', false)

   * A helper directive for the $modal service. It creates a backdrop element.
  .directive('modalBackdrop', [
    '$animate', '$injector', '$modalStack', '$log', '$modalSuppressWarning',
    function($animate ,  $injector,   $modalStack, $log, $modalSuppressWarning) {
      var $animateCss = null;

      if ($injector.has('$animateCss')) {
        $animateCss = $injector.get('$animateCss');

      return {
        replace: true,
        templateUrl: 'template/modal/backdrop.html',
        compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
          return linkFn;

      function linkFn(scope, element, attrs) {
        if (!$modalSuppressWarning) {
          $log.warn('modal-backdrop is now deprecated. Use uib-modal-backdrop instead.');

        if (attrs.modalInClass) {
          if ($animateCss) {
            $animateCss(element, {
              addClass: attrs.modalInClass
          } else {
            $animate.addClass(element, attrs.modalInClass);

          scope.$on($modalStack.NOW_CLOSING_EVENT, function(e, setIsAsync) {
            var done = setIsAsync();
            if ($animateCss) {
              $animateCss(element, {
                removeClass: attrs.modalInClass
            } else {
              $animate.removeClass(element, attrs.modalInClass).then(done);

  .directive('modalWindow', [
    '$modalStack', '$q', '$animate', '$injector', '$log', '$modalSuppressWarning',
    function($modalStack ,  $q ,  $animate,   $injector, $log, $modalSuppressWarning) {
      var $animateCss = null;

      if ($injector.has('$animateCss')) {
        $animateCss = $injector.get('$animateCss');

      return {
        scope: {
          index: '@'
        replace: true,
        transclude: true,
        templateUrl: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
          return tAttrs.templateUrl || 'template/modal/window.html';
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
          if (!$modalSuppressWarning) {
            $log.warn('modal-window is now deprecated. Use uib-modal-window instead.');
          element.addClass(attrs.windowClass || '');
          element.addClass(attrs.windowTopClass || '');
          scope.size = attrs.size;

          scope.close = function(evt) {
            var modal = $modalStack.getTop();
            if (modal && modal.value.backdrop && modal.value.backdrop !== 'static' && ( === evt.currentTarget)) {
              $modalStack.dismiss(modal.key, 'backdrop click');

          // moved from template to fix issue #2280
          element.on('click', scope.close);

          // This property is only added to the scope for the purpose of detecting when this directive is rendered.
          // We can detect that by using this property in the template associated with this directive and then use
          // {@link Attribute#$observe} on it. For more details please see {@link TableColumnResize}.
          scope.$isRendered = true;

          // Deferred object that will be resolved when this modal is render.
          var modalRenderDeferObj = $q.defer();
          // Observe function will be called on next digest cycle after compilation, ensuring that the DOM is ready.
          // In order to use this way of finding whether DOM is ready, we need to observe a scope property used in modal's template.
          attrs.$observe('modalRender', function(value) {
            if (value == 'true') {

          modalRenderDeferObj.promise.then(function() {
            var animationPromise = null;

            if (attrs.modalInClass) {
              if ($animateCss) {
                animationPromise = $animateCss(element, {
                  addClass: attrs.modalInClass
              } else {
                animationPromise = $animate.addClass(element, attrs.modalInClass);

              scope.$on($modalStack.NOW_CLOSING_EVENT, function(e, setIsAsync) {
                var done = setIsAsync();
                if ($animateCss) {
                  $animateCss(element, {
                    removeClass: attrs.modalInClass
                } else {
                  $animate.removeClass(element, attrs.modalInClass).then(done);

            $q.when(animationPromise).then(function() {
              var inputWithAutofocus = element[0].querySelector('[autofocus]');
               * Auto-focusing of a freshly-opened modal element causes any child elements
               * with the autofocus attribute to lose focus. This is an issue on touch
               * based devices which will show and then hide the onscreen keyboard.
               * Attempts to refocus the autofocus element via JavaScript will not reopen
               * the onscreen keyboard. Fixed by updated the focusing logic to only autofocus
               * the modal element if the modal does not contain an autofocus element.
              if (inputWithAutofocus) {
              } else {

            // Notify {@link $modalStack} that modal is rendered.
            var modal = $modalStack.getTop();
            if (modal) {

  .directive('modalAnimationClass', [
    '$log', '$modalSuppressWarning',
    function ($log, $modalSuppressWarning) {
      return {
        compile: function(tElement, tAttrs) {
          if (!$modalSuppressWarning) {
            $log.warn('modal-animation-class is now deprecated. Use uib-modal-animation-class instead.');
          if (tAttrs.modalAnimation) {

  .directive('modalTransclude', [
    '$log', '$modalSuppressWarning',
    function ($log, $modalSuppressWarning) {
    return {
      link: function($scope, $element, $attrs, controller, $transclude) {
        if (!$modalSuppressWarning) {
          $log.warn('modal-transclude is now deprecated. Use uib-modal-transclude instead.');
        $transclude($scope.$parent, function(clone) {

  .service('$modalStack', [
    '$animate', '$timeout', '$document', '$compile', '$rootScope',
    function($animate ,  $timeout ,  $document ,  $compile ,  $rootScope ,
             $modalSuppressWarning) {
      if (!$modalSuppressWarning) {
        $log.warn('$modalStack is now deprecated. Use $uibModalStack instead.');

      angular.extend(this, $uibModalStack);//把$uibModalStack扩展到$modalStack上

  .provider('$modal', ['$uibModalProvider', function($uibModalProvider) {
    angular.extend(this, $uibModalProvider);

    this.$get = ['$injector', '$log', '$modalSuppressWarning',
      function ($injector, $log, $modalSuppressWarning) {
        if (!$modalSuppressWarning) {
          $log.warn('$modal is now deprecated. Use   instead.');

        return $injector.invoke($uibModalProvider.$get);//通过$uibModal服务的服务提供商来获取get注入到服务中

angular.module('ui.bootstrap.stackedMap', [])
 * A helper, internal data structure that acts as a map but also allows getting / removing
 * elements in the LIFO order
  .factory('$$stackedMap', function() {//$$stackedMap map数据结构,并且满足先进先出
    return {
      createNew: function() {
        var stack = [];//数组对象

        return {
          add: function(key, value) {//增加一对key-value值
              key: key,
              value: value
          get: function(key) {//获取一对key-value值
            for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
              if (key == stack[i].key) {
                return stack[i];
          keys: function() {//返回所有key的集合
            var keys = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
            return keys;
          top: function() {//返回栈顶的key-value
            return stack[stack.length - 1];
          remove: function(key) {//移除对应的key-value
            var idx = -1;
            for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
              if (key == stack[i].key) {
                idx = i;
            return stack.splice(idx, 1)[0];
          removeTop: function() {//移除栈顶
            return stack.splice(stack.length - 1, 1)[0];
          length: function() {//返回长度
            return stack.length;
angular.module("template/modal/backdrop.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
    "<div uib-modal-animation-class=\"fade\"\n" +
    "     modal-in-class=\"in\"\n" +
    "     ng-style=\"{'z-index': 1040 + (index && 1 || 0) + index*10}\"\n" +
    "></div>\n" +

angular.module("template/modal/window.html", []).run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {
    "<div modal-render=\"{{$isRendered}}\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"dialog\" class=\"modal\"\n" +
    "    uib-modal-animation-class=\"fade\"\n" +
    "    modal-in-class=\"in\"\n" +
    "    ng-style=\"{'z-index': 1050 + index*10, display: 'block'}\">\n" +
    "    <div class=\"modal-dialog\" ng-class=\"size ? 'modal-' + size : ''\"><div class=\"modal-content\" uib-modal-transclude></div></div>\n" +
    "</div>\n" +
angular.module('ui.bootstrap.demo').controller('ModalDemoCtrl', function ($scope, $uibModal, $log) {
        $scope.items = ['item1', 'item2', 'item3'];
        $scope.animationsEnabled = true;
        $ = function (size) {
            var modalInstance = ${
                animation: $scope.animationsEnabled,
                templateUrl: 'myModalContent.html',
                controller: 'ModalInstanceCtrl',
                size: size,
                resolve: {
                    items: function () {
                        return $scope.items;
           modalInstance.result.then(function (selectedItem) {
                $scope.selected = selectedItem;
            }, function () {
                $'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date());
        $scope.toggleAnimation = function () {
            $scope.animationsEnabled = !$scope.animationsEnabled;
modalOptions = angular.extend({}, $modalProvider.options, modalOptions);
$, {/
                  scope: modalScope,
                  deferred: modalResultDeferred,
                  renderDeferred: modalRenderDeferred,
                  content: tplAndVars[0],
                  animation: modalOptions.animation,
                  backdrop: modalOptions.backdrop,
                  keyboard: modalOptions.keyboard,
                  backdropClass: modalOptions.backdropClass,
                  windowTopClass: modalOptions.windowTopClass,
                  windowClass: modalOptions.windowClass,
                  windowTemplateUrl: modalOptions.windowTemplateUrl,
                  size: modalOptions.size,
                  openedClass: modalOptions.openedClass
    $ = function(modalInstance, modal) { //创建一个模态框
        var modalOpener = $document[0].activeElement, //获取有焦点的元素
          modalBodyClass = modal.openedClass || OPENED_MODAL_CLASS; //获取类名
        openedWindows.add(modalInstance, {//openedWindows注入keyvalue形式默认参数
          deferred: modal.deferred,
          renderDeferred: modal.renderDeferred,
          modalScope: modal.scope,
          backdrop: modal.backdrop,
          keyboard: modal.keyboard,
          openedClass: modal.openedClass,
          windowTopClass: modal.windowTopClass
        openedClasses.put(modalBodyClass, modalInstance); //openedClasses注入模态的类,和刚才注入的模态实例
        var body = $document.find('body').eq(0), //获取body对象
            currBackdropIndex = backdropIndex(); //获取有backdrop的属性值的索引

        if (currBackdropIndex >= 0 && !backdropDomEl) {//如果存在
          backdropScope = $rootScope.$new(true);//生成新的scope
          backdropScope.index = currBackdropIndex;
          var angularBackgroundDomEl = angular.element('<div uib-modal-backdrop="modal-backdrop"></div>');//生成背景angular元素
          angularBackgroundDomEl.attr('backdrop-class', modal.backdropClass);//添加backdrop-class属性值,为modal.backdropClass
          if (modal.animation) {//如果modal传入了animation
            angularBackgroundDomEl.attr('modal-animation', 'true');//设置属性modal-animation为true
          backdropDomEl = $compile(angularBackgroundDomEl)(backdropScope);//$compile编译angulardom元素,并且传入当前scope,生成dom元素
        var angularDomEl = angular.element('<div uib-modal-window="modal-window"></div>');//模态窗
          'template-url': modal.windowTemplateUrl,
          'window-class': modal.windowClass,
          'window-top-class': modal.windowTopClass,
          'size': modal.size,
          'index': openedWindows.length() - 1,
          'animate': 'animate'
        if (modal.animation) {
          angularDomEl.attr('modal-animation', 'true');
        var modalDomEl = $compile(angularDomEl)(modal.scope); = modalDomEl;//获取openedWindows栈顶值的dom元素 = modalOpener;
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