知识永无止尽 Infinity of Knowledge
Think of the infinity of knowledge... Take English Learning - can you ever see the end of this road of seeking?... The more you learn, the more you feel you need to learn... The more you read, the more you know there is for you to read... That's why I feel a bit desperate as an average person with so many limitations... The sense of helplessness...
But take heart!... Do whatever you like!... You can be a translator, or an interpreter, a linguist, a fictionist, a poet, a lyric writer ( Bob Dylan ), a playwright, a literary critic, a lexicographer, a grammarian, or, like me, most likely, you are but a lecturer (language education)?... Or you may work on phonetics, semantics, pragmatics, stylistics, semiotics, history of English, culture, testing, phonology, morphology, syntax, language acquisition, translation theories, or literature (phew!)?... There are also multi-disciplinary studies on language: psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, sociolinguistics, computational linguistics, or speech-language pathology... The list seems to be endless, indeed...
The news that intrigued me to write the above just now is about a Chinese doctor who wrote an English poem, published in the top American Chest journal, whose title was 'I Long to Be King'... In an age when a doctor can write English poems, there is little wonder why you feel severely threatened...