恭迎释迦牟尼佛成道日Celebration of Śākyamu

2019-01-13  本文已影响0人  慈话钰言


The Fundamental Teacher Śākyamuni Buddha’s Enlightenment Day is celebrated at the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month of the Chinese calendar; this day also coincides with the traditional Laba Festival.


As recorded in the Buddhist scriptures, Śākyamuni Buddha spent six years for ascetic practice before enlightenment, which caused him to be reduced to skin and bones, falling in a faint at the bank of Niranjana. Later, he regained strength after eating rice gruel made from milk, offered by a shepherd girl. Sitting under a bodhi tree, he awakened to the Way and attained supreme enlightenment. On this day, the Chinese Buddhists, following the tradition of the Chan school, make congee with grains, dried dates, nuts, and so on as an offering to the Buddha.

《佛本行集经·成无上道品》云:“明星将欲初出现时,夜尚寂静,一切众生行与不行,皆未觉寤。是时婆伽婆,即生智见,成阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。” 二千五百多年前那个寂静的夜晚,在一棵未来将举世闻名的菩提树下,今天被世人尊称为释迦牟尼佛的乔达摩·悉达多王子,在禅定中降伏了一切的烦恼,证悟了一切的真理。

The “Chapter of Attaining Unsurpassed Enlightenment” of the Abhiniṣkramaṇa Sūtra states, “The night was silent before a bright star was about to emerge. All sentient beings, practicing and not practicing, were not awakened. At that very moment, the bhagavat developed insight and attained the supreme, perfect enlightenment.” In that evening 2,500 years ago, under a bodhi tree that was about to be known all over the world, Prince Siddhārtha Gautama, who would soon be respectfully referred to as Śākyamuni Buddha, tamed all afflictions in meditative concentration and realized the ultimate truth of everything.


The daylight was about to break, and a morning star was shining in the east sky. The Buddha exclaimed, “Strange indeed! All living beings have the same wisdom as what I just realized, yet they could not perceive this truth because their minds are clouded by the darkness of delusion and attachments.”


From that day on, the great and compassionate Buddha started teaching all sentient beings, without stop, his knowledge about the ultimate truth of the universe and life. He teaches 84,000 dharma gates to sentient beings who are trapped in the ocean of suffering, so that people, rich or poor, wise or unwise, holy or mundane, are all able to stay away from afflictions brought about by craving, hatred, and ignorance, obtain the joy of tranquility, compassion, and wisdom, and embark on the great path towards elimination of sufferings, attainment of happiness, and realization of ultimate liberation.

恭迎释迦牟尼佛成道日Celebration of Śākyamuni Buddha’s Enlightenment Day

