我过了两天,还在参考了简书慕炜菡容 学习内容的基础上才过的,但是因为每次题目都是从题库中抽取的,有太多种可能,刷了好多次还是没有刷全,还是有好多没有听懂,后续会逐渐更新相关内容,以下仅供参考。
1. The technology needed to make such a weapon was new at the time.
2. As a result, scientists believe it was a sign of great wealth and position.
3. This suggests that the Iceman may have been an important leader.
4. It also raises the question of why the killer didn't take it with him.
5. Further examinations revealed something more about how he may have died.
6. Using a CT scan, scientists found blood in his brain.
7. This indicated that he was struck on the head before he died.
8. Either he was hit on the head or he fell and struck his head on a rock.
9. One of the most interesting people in history is probably someone you have never heard of.
10.We will call him "Iceman" because his body was frozen in ice for several thousand years.
11.His body was discovered in 1991 by two hikers in the mountains near the border of Austria and Italy.
12. The lower part of his body was still frozen in ice, but the upper part was uncovered and visible.
13. A famous French writer, Simone de Beauvoir has another point of view.
14.For her, love is the desire to integrate with another, like in a great friendship.
15. However, it is important that lovers not become too dependent on the other person.
16.]Becoming dependent on another person can lead to boredom or power games.
17. The Iceman lived at the end of the Stone Age, a time of great change in human history.
18. People were beginning to farm and form permanent communities.
19.These communities were claiming territory and setting up boundaries.
20. As a result, sometimes they had to fight to defend their territory from outsiders.
21. The color red, for example, is a warm color, associated with energy and excitement in many cultures.
22.In China, red is associated with fire, energy and good fortune.
23. On the other hand, one experiment showed that exposing students to red before taking a test can have a negative effect.
24.In fact, of all the colors, research shows that red has the most powerful effect on human behavior.
25. If the Iceman was important, he may have been the leader of his community.
26. One leading theory about his death is that he was assassinated.
27. In ancient times, to take power, you often had to kill the leader.
28. Perhaps the Iceman was the target of an assassination.
29. Our company has been doing well, but our growth rate has declined.
30. This is because we have been too conservative.
31. If we want to continue growing, we need to be more innovative.
32. Such an acquisition could also bring us new technology.
33. The Greek philosopher, Plato, said love makes us complete.
34. He relates a comic story in which humans originally had 4 arms, 4 legs and 2 faces.
35. Then, when they angered the Gods, they were cut in half.
36.Since then every person has been searching for their soulmate, the other half of his or her self.
37. Our sales people have been wasting a lot of time lately.
38.Their sales approach isn’t effective because they exaggerate the facts .
39.We need to rethink how we present our products.(这个单词说什么也听不出来了)
40. Instead of think how great we are ,we need to provide evidence.
41. With evidence to support us we can be more persuasive .
42. The murderer may have followed the Iceman and killed him from behind.
43. Then, to protect his identity, he pulled out the arrow and covered the body.
44. He left the copper ax behind so that he couldn't be identified.
45. According to this theory, the Iceman was killed by a member of his own community.