How to Make Chris Write

2023-12-13  本文已影响0人  尘世小书虫

Chris is a person who loves to procrastinate. He always finds something else to do instead of writing. But you can help him! Here are some tips on how to make Chris write:

1. Threaten him with a bad grade: Chris is a student, so if you tell him that he'll get a bad grade if he doesn't write, he might be more willing to do it. Just make sure you don't actually give him a bad grade, or he might never forgive you.

2. Offer him a bribe: Chris loves money, so if you offer him some cash, he might be more motivated to write. Just make sure you don't give him too much, or he might spend it all on video games.

3. Make him watch paint dry: Chris hates being bored, so if you make him watch paint dry, he might be more willing to write just to avoid the boredom. Just make sure you don't fall asleep yourself, or you might miss him actually writing something.

4. Tell him he's not good at math: Chris is sensitive, so if you tell him he's not good at math, he might be more motivated to write just to prove you wrong. Just make sure you don't actually upset him, or he might never speak to you again.

5. Offer him a meeting with the author of the Percy Jackson book: Chris loves books, so if you offer him a chance to meet the author of Percy Jackson, he might be more willing to write. Just make sure you don't actually promise him a meeting, or he might be disappointed when it doesn't happen.

If above does not work, emm......


