关于swift generics 一章
想到这个问题,来源于阅读苹果官方swfit4.1文档中The Problem That Generics Solve一节的note:
In all three functions, the types of a and b must be the same. If a and b aren’t of the same type, it isn’t possible to swap their values. Swift is a type-safe language, and doesn’t allow (for example) a variable of type String and a variable of type Double to swap values with each other. Attempting to do so results in a compile-time error.
protocol HelpProtocol{}
class A{}
class B{}
extension A:HelpProtocol{}
extension B:HelpProtocol{}
func swapTest(a:inoutT, b:inoutT) {
lettemp = a;
a = b;
b = temp
var a:HelpProtocol = A()
var b:HelpProtocol = B()
swap(&a, &b)