A class loader is an object that is responsible for loading classes. The class ClassLoader is an abstract class. Given the binary name of a class, a class loader should attempt to locate or generate data that constitutes a definition for the class. A typical strategy is to transform the name into a file name and then read a "class file" of that name from a file system.
翻开ClassLoader的源代码,查看类注释,你会发现第一段就是对于Classloader的解释,大致意思是:ClassLoader实例是用于加载 Class的,根据类的 binary name 获取到该类的结构定义(其实就是Class结构,这里的 binary name 指的是:javax.swing.JSpinner$DefaultEditor、java.lang.String等)。常见的策略是根据binary name获取到 .class 文件,根据文件系统进行类加载。
Every Class object contains a reference to the ClassLoader that defined it.
Returns the class loader for the class. Some implementations may use null to represent the bootstrap class loader. This method will return null in such implementations if this class was loaded by the bootstrap class loader. If this object represents a primitive type or void, null is returned.
这段话也是很直白,所有Class对象都会持有一个定义当前Class的ClassLoader的引用。当然也有返回null的两种情况,1、通过Bootstrap类加载器进行加载的类;2、原始类型(int, long等)、void。但我们在编写代码中原始类型是没有函数概念,我认为是在JVM层面,原始类型和void不属于Class的范畴,自然也没所谓加载器了。
2、Bootstrap 是什么?
Class objects for array classes are not created by class loaders, but are created automatically as required by the Java runtime. The class loader for an array class, as returned by Class.getClassLoader() is the same as the class loader for its element type; if the element type is a primitive type, then the array class has no class loader.
Java对象概念中,存在引用类型,原始类型。而引用类型会有一个数组类型特殊存在。以上是数组对象的Class加载器的说明,如:T[ ],那么Class加载器则是元素类型T所属的Class加载器,如果是原始类型数组,如: int[ ],那么是没有加载器的,这里的没有加载器我倾向是上面提到的原始类型同样的含义。
The ClassLoader class uses a delegation model to search for classes and resources. Each instance of ClassLoader has an associated parent class loader. When requested to find a class or resource, a ClassLoader instance will delegate the search for the class or resource to its parent class loader before attempting to find the class or resource itself. The virtual machine's built-in class loader, called the "bootstrap class loader", does not itself have a parent but may serve as the parent of a ClassLoader instance.
Class加载器是通过委托模式检索类与资源,每个Class加载器对象都持有父类加载器。JVM内置了一个名为 bootstrap class loader 的root级别的类加载器。
1、委托父类加载器进行类和资源的检索(检索成功即发起加载,父类也会先委托上一级父类发起检索,直到 bootstrap class loader)
5、并行加载:parallel capable
Class loaders that support concurrent loading of classes are known as parallel capable class loaders and are required to register themselves at their class initialization time by invoking the ClassLoader.registerAsParallelCapable method. Note that the ClassLoader class is registered as parallel capable by default. However, its subclasses still need to register themselves if they are parallel capable.
In environments in which the delegation model is not strictly hierarchical, class loaders need to be parallel capable, otherwise class loading can lead to deadlocks because the loader lock is held for the duration of the class loading process (see loadClass methods).
类加载器在类初始化时,通过调用 ClassLoader.registerAsParallelCapable 来标记该加载器支持并行类加载机制。支持该机制的加载器称之为 可并行 的类加载器。需要注意的是,ClassLoader类是默认可并行加载的,但它的子类仍须通过注册接口调用来支持可并行机制,也就是说,可并行机制不可继承。
在委托结构设计不是很有层次性(如出现闭环委托)的情况下,这些类加载器需要实现并行机制,否则会出现死锁问题。具体可以参考loadClass的函数源码。其实本文的第一张图片就是该函数代码,出现死锁的情况是在 synchronized 代码块上。JDK1.7在将对象级别的锁降级到被加载的类的级别上,也就是说不同的类加载,不需要在等待锁释放,当然,这前提是显示的调用了 ClassLoader.registerAsParallelCapable。查看getClassLoadingLock你会发现,如果没注册可并行机制,返回的对象锁还是当前对象 this。其实对于并行加载,我在工作中很少接触,这里我不打算做太多的发散,但能肯定的是,用的到这个机制的,绝对是对加载性能要求特别高,甚至是一些模块化加载的项目,如 OSGI 这类。这里我只给自己Mark,等真的有实际场景再去体会,我想我会更加深刻。