外刊阅读:Pushing back against beauty
Pushing back against beauty standards
by Sophie Jeong
Today, a growing number of women are challenging South Korean attitudes toward beauty as part of a feminist movement known as "escape the corset." The movement's name evokes the time when feminists protested the 1968 Miss America beauty pageant by throwing away hairspray, makeup, corsets, false eyelashes, high heels and other items they saw as symbols of oppression.★
South Korean /kəˈriːən/ 韩国的
attitude /ˈætɪtjuːd/ n. 态度、看法
feminist /ˈfemɪnɪst/ n. 女权主义者
movement /ˈmuːvmənt/ n. 运动、社会运动(由move加后缀-ment变成名词)
corset /ˈkɔːsɪt/ n. (女子束腰用的)紧身内衣
evoke /ɪˈvəʊk/ v. 唤起(记忆)、使想起
protest /prəˈtest/ v. 抗议
beauty pageant /ˈpædʒ(ə)nt/ 选美比赛
hairspray /ˈheəspreɪ/ n. 发胶(由hair和spray组成)
makeup /ˈmeɪkʌp/ n. 化妆品、彩妆
eyelash /ˈaɪlæʃ/ n. 眼睫毛
heel /hiːl/ n. 脚后跟、鞋跟(high heels指高跟鞋)
symbol /ˈsɪmb(ə)l/ n. 符号、象征
oppression /əˈpreʃ(ə)n/ n. 压迫
★ 句尾的they saw as symbols of oppression是省略了引导词的定语从句,修饰之前的other items
Fifty years later, young South Korean women have put their own spin on the movement by destroying expensive makeup and beauty products or cutting their hair short before posting pictures on social media and encouraging others to do the same.
put one's own spin on 加上某人喜欢的东西、加上对某人有利的东西
destroy /dɪˈstrɔɪ/ v. 毁坏、毁掉
post /pəʊst/ v. (在网上)发帖
"Fundamentally, you can see the 'escape the corset' movement as a challenge to a male-dominated society," said Lee Na-young, a sociology professor at Seoul's Chung-Ang University. "It has elements of rejecting the existing standardized femininity and the myth of the beauty."
fundamentally /ˌfʌndəˈment(ə)li/ adv. 根本上(由fundamental加后缀-ly变成副词)
dominate /ˈdɒmɪneɪt/ v. 支配、主宰
sociology /ˌsəʊsiˈɒlədʒi/ n. 社会学
Seoul /səʊl/ n. 首尔(韩国首都)
element /ˈelɪmənt/ n. 元素、组成部分
reject /rɪˈdʒekt/ v. 拒绝接受
existing /ɪɡˈzɪstɪŋ/ adj. 现存的
standardize /ˈstændədaɪz/ v. 标准化(由standard加后缀-ize变成动词)
femininity /ˌfeməˈnɪnəti/ n. 女性气质、女性特质
myth /mɪθ/ n. 很流行但其实错误的说法
In a society which remains deeply patriarchal(男性主宰的), there can be consequences for South Korean women who don't conform to beauty standards set by men. In November 2018, a branch of the coffee shop franchise Yogerpresso fired a woman on her first day after she showed up with short hair and no makeup. The company later apologized, and offered her compensation, which she received.
deeply /ˈdiːpli/ adv. 强烈地、极端地
consequence /ˈkɒnsɪkwəns/ n. 后果
conform /kənˈfɔːm/ v. 遵守、顺从
standard /ˈstændəd/ n. 标准
branch /brɑːntʃ/ n. 分支机构、分部
franchise /ˈfræntʃaɪz/ n. 加盟店
fire /faɪə(r)/ v. 解雇
show up 出现(这里指到店上班)
apologize /əˈpɒlədʒaɪz/ v. 道歉
compensation /ˌkɒmpenˈseɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 赔偿、补偿
The country's feminists still face significant resistance from the country's young men. According to a Realmeter survey conducted last month, 76% of South Korean men in their 20s and 66% of men in their 30s opposed the country's feminist movement. "Women are realizing that a change in South Korean men's mindset is needed in order to solve this problem," Lee said.
significant /sɪɡˈnɪfɪk(ə)nt/ adj. 显著的
resistance /rɪˈzɪst(ə)ns/ n. 抵制、抗拒(由resist加后缀-ance变成名词)
survey /ˈsɜːveɪ/ n. 问卷调查
conduct /kənˈdʌkt/ v. 做、实施
oppose /əˈpəʊz/ v. 反对
mindset /ˈmaɪndset/ n. 思维模式
But awareness is growing. South Korea's largest bookstore chain, Kyobo, reported a 19% increase in sales of feminist books last November compared with the same period the previous year.
awareness /əˈweənəs/ n. 认识、意识(由aware加后缀-ness变成名词)
chain /tʃeɪn/ n. 连锁店
sales /seɪlz/ n. 销量
Changes are visible on college campuses. Last year, the Sookmyung Women's University Feminist Association wrote messages of support for the "escape the corset" movement on a poster using lipsticks and eyeliners. "Makeup isn't my power," the declaration read. "Getting dolled up isn't a power. The lack of need to get dolled up is a power." Supporters say female students then ditched their dresses and skirts as word spread across the campus.
visible /ˈvɪzəb(ə)l/ adj. 可见的
campus /ˈkæmpəs/ n. 校园
association /əˌsəʊʃiˈeɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 协会、联合会(由associate加后缀-ion变成名词)
support /səˈpɔːt/ n. 支持
poster /ˈpəʊstə(r)/ n. 海报、宣传画
lipstick /ˈlɪpstɪk/ n. 口红
eyeliner /ˈaɪlaɪnə(r)/ n. 眼线笔
declaration /ˌdekləˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 宣言(由declare加后缀-ation变成名词)
read /riːd/ v. 写着、读起来是
dolled /ˌdɒld/ up 打扮得漂漂亮亮
supporter /səˈpɔːtə(r)/ n. 支持者(由support加上表示人的后缀-er)
ditch /dɪtʃ/ v. 扔掉
spread /spred/ v. 传播、扩散
20-year-old student Oh Min-ji said students were more careful when talking about people's looks. "Before the 'escape the corset' movement was popular, people did not hesitate to say 'you're pretty.' They thought it was a compliment. But now people are starting to realize that it's not a compliment and that it's a language that limits people within the standards that they expect."
look /lʊk/ n. 外观、外貌
hesitate /ˈhezɪteɪt/ v. 犹豫、迟疑
compliment /ˈkɒmplɪmənt/ n. 赞扬、赞美
limit /ˈlɪmɪt/ v. 限制