XIII. Ames’ Crossing

2018-03-13  本文已影响0人  吉米妈妈


elm:n.[林] 榆树;榆木


sarsaparilla:n. [U] / ‚sɑːspə'rɪlə  ; ͵sæspəˋrɪlə  /a sweet drink without alcohol, made from the root of the sassafras plant 菝葜汽水

ruinous:adj. / 'ruːɪnəs  'ruːənəs  ; ˋruɪnəs  /causing a lot of damage or problems

root beer:沙士(以黄樟油、冬青油为香料的无醇饮料)

birch beer:桦木啤酒

ginger ale: / eɪl  ; el  /姜味较淡的姜汁汽水;姜汁无酒精饮料

tonic:[C,U] a clear bitter-tasting drink that you can mix with alcoholic drinks such as gin or vodka奎宁水

refreshing:adj.making you feel less tired or less hot

in your stockinged/stocking feet:not wearing any shoes

shoot up:If something shoots up, it grows or increases very quickly.


ferryman:n. 渡船夫;摆渡者


wisp:n. 小捆;小束

swerve:v. [I ]to make a sudden sideways movement while moving forwards, usually in order to avoid hitting something 

mossy: ['mɔsi]A mossy surface is covered with moss. 布满苔藓的; 长满苔藓的

linger:v. [I ]to stay somewhere a little longer, especially because you do not want to leave〔尤因不想离开而〕逗留,流连

skunk: n.臭鼬〔一种北美洲产的动物〕

skunk cabbage:n.臭菘

fountain:n. 喷泉 fountain pen 钢笔

stamen: ['stemən]n. [植] 雄蕊

slink:[I always + adv/prep] to move somewhere quietly and secretly, especially because you are afraid or ashamed悄悄地移动,偷偷溜走〔尤因害怕或难为情〕

engrave:vt. 雕刻

stationery:n. 文具;信纸

strike up:When you strike up a conversation or friendship with someone, you begin one.

acquaintance:[C] someone you know, but who is not a close friend

proportion:v. [T usually passive 一般用被动态]to put something in a particular relationship with something else according to their relative size, amount, position etc使相称;使成比例

blunt:adj.speaking in an honest way even if this upsets people〔说话〕不客气的,直言不讳的,耿直的

paddle:n. 划桨 go for a paddle

canoe:[kə'nu]n. 独木舟;轻舟

annoyance: [ə'nɔɪəns][U] a feeling of slight anger

willow:n. [林] 柳树

tranquil:[ˈtræŋkwəl] adj.pleasantly calm, quiet, and peaceful

architect:n. 建筑师

muster:[T] to get enough courage, confidence, support etc to do something, especially with difficulty鼓起〔勇气〕;积聚信心〕;争取〔支持〕

cardboard:n. [纸] 硬纸板;纸板箱;卡纸板

lash:[T always + adv/prep] to tie something tightly to something else with a rope

thwart:[θwɔrt]n. 划手座;独木舟的横梁


He opend the bottle, poured some out into the cup, and set the cup down on the step below Stuart, who whipped off his cap, lay down on his stomach, and dipped up some of the cool refreshing drink, using his cap as dipper.

dip: v.[T] to put something into a liquid and lift it out again  dip sth in/into sth

       n. [C] informal a quick swim

dipper: n. 长柄勺

I blow into a town, and blow right out again, here today, gone tomorrow, a will o' the wisp.


That afternoon he swam and lay on his back on the mossy bank, his hands crossed under his head, his thoughts returning to the conversation he had had with the storekeeper.


Moxie:跟Coca Cola是竞争对手,味道比可口可乐酸

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