Going to School, Reading, and St

2018-03-07  本文已影响0人  Rax郝毅

As a tutor, I sometimes tutor students who are willing to try anything to ace final exam. I was one of them. I did not realize the differences between going to school, reading and studying until 5 years graduated from school. Here are as followed

Going to School

Getting a good grade is mostly or 99% of students want for going to school, no matter whether it is high school or university. If the grade is your only goal, the chance you will still remember the things you learn in high school or University is lower. Ever since I finish my final exam, the knowledge I crammed in my brain is starting to flow out. Less than a summer, I forgot 90% of what I learned.

So, even we are going to school, it is easy to just show up and not reading or studying at all. Some are the expert in this level. 


Reading is the foundation of going to school. Even I did not read any books outside of textbooks, I still successfully graduated from University. It is likely to graduate without reading too much. Especially math students don't have to read many essays. I just practice endless questions.

People enjoy reading are different than those don't. Reading can be everywhere, on the beach, in the library, at home. People don't have to go to school to read. But the chance is people don't read if they don't even willing to go to school. Reading is a more active way than going to school.

It really doesn't matter what type of books. Any books are helpful. Bill Gate share one of his rule in reading books are:

I will finish every book that I start.

I am adapting this principle and encourage you to do the same. Reading is not about how many books or how fast. It is about how much I understood the reading material. Reading comprehensive is the key to success. Without understanding the book, it is waste of time by flipping books.


When I thinking hard about the three actions, they are very different. Studying can be even broader scope. It is more active than reading and going to school. Studying can be at work, with friends, or in other countries.

Some stop studying right after finishing school. Some keep studying by reading books even though they never went to school.


Studying > reading > going to school


