Don't let fear determine your ch

2023-06-11  本文已影响0人  新的遇见

Fate is how your life unfolds when you let fear determine your choices.  A path of destiny reveals itself to you, however, when you confront your fear and make conscious choices.

.Caroline Myss



卡罗琳.密斯是心灵导师,从事直觉诊疗,专精于协助人人们了解产生疾病的情绪、心理、生理原因。它著有包括《慧眼识心灵》(Anaomy of the Spirit) 在内的五本《纽约时报》畅销书。

Fate is how your life unfolds when you let fear determine your choices.  A path of destiny reveals itself to you, however, when you confront your fear and make conscious choices.

.Caroline Myss

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