【Pytorch】MacOS Python3.6 Pytorch

2018-10-24  本文已影响0人  ItchyHiker

1. 安装编译

# Clone Caffe2's source code from Github repository
git clone https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch.git && cd pytorch
# Checkout the tag v0.4.1
git checkout v0.4.1
# Clone third party dependencies
git submodule update --init

# Create a directory to put Caffe2's build files in
mkdir build && cd build

# Configure Caffe2's build
# This looks for packages on your machine and figures out which functionality
# to include in the Caffe2 installation. The output of this command is very
# useful in debugging. 
# To cmake with python3.6, use cmake with DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE DPYTHON_LIBRARY DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR. 
# I use virtual enviroment here which is very useful for different tasks.
cmake .. \
-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/local/bin/python3.6m \
-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/Users/yuhua.cheng/Opt/myenv/lib/python3.6/config-3.6m-darwin/libpython3.6.a \

# Compile, link, and install Caffe2 (-j8 is optional)
sudo make install -j8

2. 配置环境变量

vi ~/.bashrc
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/PATH/TO/pytorch/build/lib
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/PATH/TO/pytorch/build

保存之后source ~/.bashrc


In [1]: import caffe2

In [2]: from caffe2.python import core
WARNING:root:This caffe2 python run does not have GPU support. Will run in CPU only mode.



  1. https://codeyarns.com/2017/05/30/how-to-build-caffe2-from-source/

