
81、level3-unit1-part1 listening-

2019-04-01  本文已影响19人  小猪慕慕

Here is a bus schedule at a bus stop.
On most days, the buses come on schedule, but sometimes they don't.

(on schedule:按时)
Yesterday, for example, several buses were late.
This is because the traffic yesterday was much heavier than usual.

(this is用现在时解释客观原因)(because后面的句子用过去时描述过去的原因)
(heavy+than usual: 比较级+than usual)
(heavy / bad traffic交通拥堵,交通状况差)

Bus No.38 was supposed to come at 8:40, but it was 5 minutes late.
(be supposed to do sth.:本应该怎么样,被期望怎么样→eg: You were supposed to be here at 8.)
It didn't come until 8:45.
(not ...until...:直到……才……)
Bus No.60 was supposed to come at 8:30.
But yesterday it didn't come until 8:40.
It was 10 minutes late.
Not one bus came early.


As a result of the delays, one man got on the wrong bus.
(as a result of+表示原因的名词)(as a result +句子)
He wanted to go to the airport, so he wanted to get on Bus No.38.
(get on :搭乘某种交通工具→get on the bus、get on the subway)
He expected it to come at 8:40.
(except sb./sth. to do sth.期望某人/某物怎么样)
Instead, he got on Bus No.60, which came at 8:40.
eg: There was no coffee, instead, I had a cup of tea.√
       There was no coffeem , I had a cup of tea instead.√
He didn't notice that it was the wrong bus.
It didn't go to the airport.
As a result, he missed his flight.


