
英语不该这么学 English Should not Have

2018-05-11  本文已影响20人  孤帆远影lhy

English should not have been learned that way...

A whole system dismantled into parts...

A beautiful language destructurarized...

Broken and scattered language notes...

Memorizing unknown vocabulary...

Ceaseless grammar inundation...

Excessive interpretations...

Duckfeeding lectures...

Passive acceptance...

Students are but machines taking the least nutrients...

The needs of their humanity have been long trampled...

They have struggled with it for many years,

It's still a wild horse, untamed, unbridled...

And it remains as terrifying as a Frankenstein...

Yet isn't it but a bridge spanning two different worlds...

Only now do I know I was a victim too...

But the time wasted won't come back...

There are millions in sleep, unawakened...

When will they come alive from the dark?

Day has matured ...

I know it won't be long...

英语不该这么学 English Should not Have been Learned That Way...
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