Andrew Carnegie 2
安德鲁•卡内基 2
As Carnegie made more money, he wanted to invest his money rather than spend it. He invested in various businesses like iron, bridges, and oil.
Many of his investments were successful and he also made a lot of business connections with important and powerful men.
In 1865, Carnegie established his first company. He began to put most of his efforts into ironworks.
Using his connections with the railroad companies, he was able to build bridges and sell railroad ties(铁路枕轨) made by his company.
He expanded his business over the next several years, building factories throughout the region.
Carnegie decided to invest in steel. He knew that steel was stronger than iron and would last longer. Steel would make more durable(耐用的) bridges, railroads, buildings, and ships.
He also learned of a new steel making process that enabled steel to be made quicker and cheaper than before.
He formed the Carnegie Steel Company. He built a number of large steel factories and soon had a large percentage of the world steel market.

In 1901, Carnegie formed U.S. Steel with the banker J. P. Morgan. This became the largest corporation in the world.
Carnegie had gone from a poor Scottish immigrant to one of the richest men in the world.
Andrew Carnegie felt that being rich was just the first part of his life.
Now that he was rich, he decided that he should spend the rest of his life giving away his money to needy causes(贫困事业).
One of his favorite causes was libraries. His funding contributed to over 1,600 libraries being built around the United States and the world.

He also gave money to help with education and funded the building of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.
Carnegie died of pneumonia(肺炎) on August 11, 1919 in Lenox, Massachusetts. He left the majority of what remained of his wealth to charity.