读书 |《一个人的朝圣》:作者蕾秋·乔伊斯及她身上的那些标签

从剧作家到小说作者,这样的身份转变我很好奇,尤其好奇于她曾经编写过什么剧本,有没有我看过的。于是,我开始找作者简介,可找到的很少,只在豆瓣的《一个人的朝圣2 奎妮的情歌》里多见了这样几句:
蕾秋•乔伊斯,英国BBC资深剧作家,《星期日泰晤士报》专栏作者。作为剧作家,于2007年获 Tinniswood 最佳广播剧奖。她还在皇家莎士比亚剧团、皇家国家剧院担任主要角色。
乔伊斯于20年的舞台剧和电视职业生涯之后转向写作,2012年出版小说《一个人的朝圣》,该书入围 2012年布克文学奖及英联邦书奖,目前已畅销三四十个国家。2013年出版小说《完美》,2014年出版《一个人的朝圣》相伴之作《一个人的朝圣2:奎妮的情歌》,继续掀起阅读热潮。以上图书由大鱼读品陆续引进出版。
想来,大概,也许,也没有特别多的名作吧。但在这一个简介里,我又见了她另外一个身份:演员。以及许多的名词和标签,《星期日泰晤士报》专栏作者、Tinniswood 最佳广播剧奖获得者,布克文学奖、英联邦书奖等等。这些标签对她而言,大概意味深重,但对我而言,没有背景知识,也不过是几个字词的组合,完全不明白,这对一个演员、剧作家以及作者而言有什么意义所在。
在蕾秋·乔伊斯的个人主页上,大概有她最全面的介绍(见 Rachel Joyce),也被标签所填满:
Rachel Joyce is the author of the Sunday Times and international bestseller The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry which was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Book Prize and longlisted for the Man Booker Prize. Her second novel, Perfect, was published in July 2013 to great critical acclaim. She was awarded the Specsavers National Book Awards ‘New Writer of the Year’ in December 2012. Rachel has also written A Faraway Smell of Lemon, a short story exclusive to ebook.
In addition to writing books, Rachel has also written over 20 original afternoon plays for BBC Radio 4, and major adaptations for the Classic Series, Woman’s Hour and also a TV drama adaptation for BBC2. In 2007 she won the Tinniswood Award for best radio play.
Rachel moved to writing after a twenty-year career in theatre and television, performing leading roles for the RSC, the Royal National Theatre, The Royal Court, and Cheek by Jowl, winning a Time Out Best Actress award and the Sony Silver.
蕾秋·乔伊斯是 Sunday Times(《星期日泰晤士报》)的作者,她的国际畅销书《一个人的朝圣》曾入围 Commonwealth Book Prize(英联邦图书奖),并经过了 Man Booker Prize(布克奖)的初选。她的第二本小说,Perfect(《完美》),于2013年7月出版,大获好评。她曾于2012年12月被评为 Specsavers National Book Awards 的“年度作家”。她还有电子书短篇小说集 A Faraway Smell of Lemon(《遥远的柠檬味/清幽柠檬香》)。
在写作之外,蕾秋还为BBC Radio 4 写过20多部传统下午剧,还是经典系列剧作 Woman’s Hour的主要改编者,并且,还为BBC 2改编电视剧。在2007年,她获得了 Tinniswood Award 的最佳广播剧奖。
转型写作前的二十年,她出演舞台剧和电视剧,曾在RSC、the Royal National Theatre、The Royal Court以及Cheek by Jowl中担任过主要角色,并获得 Time Out 最佳女主角奖和 Sony(索尼广播学院奖) 银奖。
从写作者的角度来说,这里有:Sunday Times、Commonwealth Book Prize、Man Booker Prize、Specsavers National Book Awards;从剧作者的角度来说,有 Tinniswood Award;从演员的角度来说,RSC、Royal National Theatre、 Royal Court、Cheek by Jowl 以及 Time Out、Sony Silver。都是什么,意味着什么,我来做一个简单的梳理。
1 The Sunday Times 《星期日泰晤士报》
我们熟知的是《泰晤士报》(The Times),英国的一份于全国发行的综合型日报,也是世界上第一张以“Times”命名的报纸。现属于鲁珀特·默多克的新闻集团。
而《星期日泰晤士报》(The Sunday Times),是英国的一份于每周日出刊的报纸。创刊于1821年,最初的名称是The New Observer(《新观察家》),后更名为The Independent Observer(《独立观察家》)。1822年再更改为现在的名字。1981年,被传媒大亨默多克的新闻集团收购。
2 Commonwealth Book Prize 英联邦图书奖
顺带介绍一下英联邦作家奖(Commonwealth Writers prizes)。英联邦作家奖设立于1987年,是英语文学界最重要的奖项之一,由英联邦基金会创办、英国图书联合会承办。意在奖励英联邦地区以英语写作的作家,促进英语文学的发展。每年评选一次,参评书目由各出版商提交,必须为前一年内出版的长篇小说或中短篇小说集(体裁仅限于小说)。候选者来自54个以英语为官方语言的国家,必须具有英联邦国家国籍。根据地域分为个四组别:a.非洲、b.加勒比海地区和加拿大、c.欧亚大陆、d.东南亚及南太平洋地区,每组分设一名最佳小说奖及一名最佳处女作奖(各奖励一千英镑);最后在地区获奖图书中选出两名总奖(Overall Best Book 和Overall Best First Book ,分别奖励一万和三千英镑)。最佳小说奖的总奖获得者除获得奖金外,还将受邀赴伦敦接受英女王伊丽莎白二世的接见。
3 Man Booker Prize 布克奖/曼布克奖
曼布克奖(Man Booker Prize),常称为布克奖(Booker Prize),从1969年开始颁发。1968年,英国的图书界提议设立一项可以与法国龚古尔文学奖、美国普利策奖相媲美的文学奖,奖励年度最佳英文小说,获奖人不限于英国籍作家,其他如爱尔兰及英联邦国家作者都可参与,但美国作家不能参与,以抵制新型的娱乐形式诸如电视对文学市场的蚕食。大奖以赞助商食品供应公司布克(Booker McConnell)命名。
2002年,曼财团(Man Group)成为布克奖的赞助商,布克奖名称由Booker Prize变成Man Booker Prize。现在有些也翻译成曼布克奖或曼氏布克奖。最初设立该奖时奖金为21,000英镑,2002年已加至50,000英镑。2004年,布克奖打破了地域壁垒,宣布将从2005年开始,每两年颁发一次奖金为60000英镑的布克国际奖(Man Booker International Prize),所有作家,无论国别,只要其作品以英文或有英文译本发表,均有资格获得此奖。2005年,布克奖还专门为翻译家设立了一个奖金为15000英镑的特别奖项——布克翻译奖,以奖励那些把其他语言的文学作品翻译成英语的翻译家们。
4 Specsavers National Book Awards
可简称为National Book Awards,之前也被称之为Galaxy National Book Awards(2010–11),British Book Awards 或 Nibbies(1990–2009),它主要倾向于图书的销售量及其对于UK图书市场的影响力。
The Specsavers National Book Awards are a series of literary prizes awarded annually to writers who have made a particular impact on the UK book market, either through the coverage they have received or through sales.
5 Tinniswood Award
The Tinniswood Award 是为了纪念Peter Tinniswood而设,用以奖励那些高水准的广播剧作家。奖金为1500英镑。
The Tinniswood Award was established by the Society of Authors and the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain to perpetuate the memory of Peter Tinniswood as well as to celebrate and encourage high standards in radio drama.The Tinniswood Award is presented annually to the best original audio drama script of the year. We are deeply grateful to the Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society for their generous sponsorship of the £1,500 prize.
6 RSC(Royal Shakespeare Company)皇家莎士比亚剧团
皇家莎士比亚剧团(Royal Shakespeare Company;简称RSC),英国最具有影响力的剧团之一,也是目前世界上规模最大、组织最健全、经费最足、演出水准最高的职业剧团之一。其莎剧演出的历史及权威性,举世公认。主要演出地点在莎士比亚的出生地——埃文河畔斯特拉特福(Stratford-upon-Avon),并常在伦敦演出。剧团在史特拉福管理三个剧院:皇家莎士比亚剧院(Royal Shakespeare Theatre)、天鹅剧院(The Swan)和“另一处”(The Other Place)。
7 Royal National Theatre 皇家国家剧院
皇家国家剧院(Royal National Theatre)是英国的一座剧院。位于伦敦泰晤士河的南岸[1]。皇家国家剧院建造于1976年,建筑的设计者是丹尼斯·拉斯登(Denys Lasdun)。剧院内部可分为Olivier Theatre、Lyttelton Theatre、The Cottesloe Theatre和The Shed四个部分。
8 Royal Court(Royal Court Theatre)
The Royal Court Theatre is a non-commercial theatre on Sloane Square, in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, London, England. It is noted for its contributions to modern theatre. In 1956 it was acquired by and is home to a resident company, the English Stage Company.
9 Cheek by Jowl
Cheek by Jowl is the home theatre company of Nick Ormerod and Declan Donnellan.The core of the Cheek by Jowl's repertoire has always been Shakespeare; by the time of The Tempest in 2011 Cheek by Jowl had presented no fewer than 13 of Shakespeare's plays. Another of the company's principles has been to present major works of European drama, both in translation and in their original versions. To date Cheek by Jowl has given the British premières of 10 European classics. Astonishingly this includes The Cid by Corneille and Andromache by Racine, performed by Cheek by jowl for the first time in England over three hundred years after they were written!
10 Time Out
Time Out是英国伦敦的一家出版公司。它最出名的出版物是《Time Out》文化信息周刊,该周刊于1968年由托尼·艾略特(Tony Elliott)创办并与Bob Harris共同担任编辑工作,在早期,该杂志每期发行量大约是5000本。1981年5月其曾因罢工而停刊4个多月。1990年代开始时达到鼎盛,然而不久不得不面临其他纸媒体的冲击。2003年后推出了网上版本。该杂志旨在向读者介绍本地的戏剧演出、艺术、电影、文学、时尚、外出就餐、夜生活等信息,截止至2014年,Timeout品牌在30个国家出版46个版本的读物。
11 The Sony Radio Awards 索尼广播学院奖(The Radio Academy Awards)
The Radio Academy Awards, started in 1983, were the most prestigious awards in the British radio industry.[1] For most of their existence, they were run by ZAFER Associates, but in latter years were brought under the control of The Radio Academy.The awards were generally referred to by the name of their first sponsor, Sony, as The Sony Awards, The Sony Radio Awards or variations. In August 2013, Sony announced the end of its sponsorship agreement with The Radio Academy after 32 years. Consequently, the awards were named simply The Radio Academy Awards.[2] In November 2014, it was announced that The Radio Academy would not be holding the awards in 2015, and would be looking for other ways to recognise achievement in the future.[3]


备注:1 文字的资料部分大部分来自wiki,或者官网,以及部分新闻资料。2 图片来自官网及 My darling, stoical Dad - the real hero of the novel that could win me the Booker 也是小说背后的故事。3 再表示一遍歉意,没有把英语全部翻译过来,让我觉得,我真不是一个体贴的作者,对不住啦!