
Your 31-month-old: Sense of time

2019-05-27  本文已影响7人  吴和平vip

Your 31-month-old: Sense of time /31个月龄幼儿的时间感

Your 2-year-old now / 你两岁多孩子的现状
Your life now / 你现在的生活

Your 2-year-old now

He can't read a watch yet, but your preschooler does have a rudimentary sense of time. He knows that yesterday means the past and tomorrow means the future, but to him, yesterday might refer to something that happened earlier this morning or last week.

The way your child marks time is largely through the predictable way his day unfolds. That's another reason (in addition to providing basic security) that routines continue to be so important. He knows that when you go into the kitchen it's almost time for lunch, and that after lunch he'll be at the playground and then take a nap.

Use references to time in your conversation: "In five minutes, we'll leave." "We'll go to the store right after lunch." "After two more bedtimes, we'll leave for our trip." Although your preschooler won't exactly understand these time frames the same way you do – that ability doesn't come until second or third grade – you'll be helping him get used to the concepts.

Your life now

Are you finding that your preschooler seems to get dirtier than ever? Mobile and curious, your child finds plenty to get into. Now's a good time to teach proper hand-washing. Make a habit of doing so before every meal; bring a step stool to the sink to help your child reach the faucet. Bar soap can be easier for small, plump hands to use than a pump bottle. Sing a special hand-washing song that lasts at least 20 or 30 seconds while sudsing up to be sure your child cleans up long enough.
你是否发现你这个月龄大的孩子比以前搞得更脏兮兮的? 好动和好奇,你的孩子发现很多事情可以搞一搞。现在是教孩子用正确方法洗手的好时机。养成饭前洗手的习惯;带一个凳子到洗手池旁边,帮助孩子够到水龙头。对于胖乎乎的小手来说,条形肥皂比奶瓶更容易使用。当孩子的小手涂满肥皂泡沫的时候,唱一首至少持续20或30秒的洗手歌,以确保你的孩子洗手的时间足够长。




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