Pakistan Suffering from Swam of

2020-04-26  本文已影响0人  叶黄知是缘浅

Some people in South Asia wonder if mighty ducks can help gobble(狼吞虎咽地吃) up a promblem with locust.

We know not only the region of East Africa ,but also the nation of Pakistan is trying to keep swarms of locusts from eating the country's crops.

Pakistan declared a state of emergency early this month, saying it was dealing with the highest number of locusts in more than 20 years.

Locusts don't directly attack people.They threaten us by eating our crops, and so many of these insects in such large numbers can destroy regions food supplies.

It's said that one duck can eat more than 200 locusts per day, and China has reportedly used ducks to successfully gobble up a locust problem in the past.

Whatever methods are used to control locusts in Asia the situation in Afica is getting more desperate by the day.

A voracious(贪吃的) appetite(胃口) that these locusts move with speed on the changing winds, as far as 150 kilometers, almost 100 miles a day. 

Beans, maize(玉米), pasture(牧场) for animals, nothing stands a chance, raising fears of a food security as the farmlands are decimates(减少).

The war againgst the locusts is now full swing.

If the swarms aren't stopped, the UN says they can multiply as much as 500 times by June.

How did it happened?

After years of drought, two cyclones hit East Africa in as many as years. 

But the heavy rains mae the wet earth ideal breeding ground for locusts.


