
Some feelings for today

2019-07-04  本文已影响17人  杨梅jillyang

Some feelings for today

Written by: 杨梅jillyang



【杨梅jillyang】English Diary Day14

July. 4.2019    Thursday  Sunny


I was too tired so that I got to sleep very quickly last night at around 10pm.

But I still couldn't get up early this morning.  So I arranged the breakfast in a short while.

I boiled noodles, & added some lettuces. The chicken soup is the main material for the noodles.


One apple, some black currants were the fruit.

But Lion ate not too much because he had to leave as quickly as possible.


I went to campus for our appointment asap.

To my surprised, there was nobody except me.

I found a woman opened all the doors ups and down. So I see.

Probably, it would be visited by travelers in the morning. Then, I left for home in a few seconds.

Actually, Mrs. Q went to take photos, and Mrs. Y had to take the physical examination.

I had been for some physio, and was reading Mr. Jiang's novel.  The story is  wonderful.


I wanted to have rice.  So I added the purple sweet potato to the rice. It was okay in half hour.


I found there were two gumbos left in the fridge.

"Oh, I can finish the dish!" I said to myself.

1>One egg with pure water, stirred for seconds;

2>two gumbos were cut into many slices.


Okay, put 2> upon 1>. Everything was fine. It took 6 mins for steaming in the pan.

It looked like tasty. And I really love it.

Do you like it?


There was some feelings for sth. in my day-time.

I was moved by a 22 years old boy.

He had a fever when he was 11 months in the young.

Unfortunately, there was sth. wrong with the head so that he wasn't normal now. He can't walk straight......ect.

But, the boy's mummy taught him to sing, and cultivate other hobbies.

He has very excellent voice.  He practises singing for 8 hours per day.

What a diligent boy. He is my model.

The hostess Fang Qiong said to him" You have a strong will and insist on doing sth. You must make your dream come true."

God bless him. I prey for the good boy.


My Chinese diary is here as well.

我的手写中文日志P.1 我的手写中文日志P.2 我的手写中文日志P.3 我的手写中文日志P. 4

Hope I can give my readers some thinking each time.

Please write to me if you like my writings. I really like to receive your suggestions or feelings by yourself.

Goodnight, my dear Jill.




我是杨梅jillyang,简书/公众号/微博 同名。微信 jillyang_88 。自由写作者,陕西汉中人。一位爱文学,有梦想,喜欢音乐、健身、旅游,敢拼敢尝试新事物的八零后。当有幸遇见您读我的文字,请君雅正!前行路上,期望结交更多志同道合的伙伴,向坚持写作的朋友们致敬!Love you all.Never give up! 感谢您来,遇见就是缘分!

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