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Reasons For Fleeing Bei Shang Gu

2018-01-01  本文已影响57人  乌龟壳缝里的火柴棍

Reasons For Fleeing Bei Shang Guang

Are you still trying to buy a house in big cities? Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai. That sounds quite nice, but not easily. For an ordinary working class, buying such a house could spend your lifetime salaries.

Thisis a story which after your reading might encourage you to consider a housesomewhere like Huhehaote and see the beautiful great grassland.

Journalistcollects the data of housing prices and annual salaries of employees from2006~2015.

Let’s start from the simplest – average housing prices in ten years.

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Thetop five is Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Guangzhou. The top threehas no controversy. There is a big gap between them. Housing price of Shenzhenhas reached 19,000, while Beijing doesn’t come to 16,000. Hangzhou andGuangzhou are running neck and neck. You may be surprised that Hangzhou shouldsurpass Guangzhou already! Considering the G20 that proves Hangzhou a city offirst rank, it is still burgeoning and will left Guangzhou far behind.

The bottom five is Guiyang, Chongqing, Huhehaote, Yinchuan and Xining. Most of their housing prices are less than 4,000 yuan. Yet there is no much difference since from Zhengzhou. We can put the range from Zhengzhou to Xining at a first level, which have lower housing prices. The second level should be from Tianjin to Jinan, which have medium housing prices. The third level is cities with rather high housing prices – Xiamen, Ningbo, Nanjing and Fuzhou. The fourth level is top five cities with extremely high housing prices.

It seems that the housing prices’ changes have something with their geographical position. Increases of cities in the west are much slower than in the east.

I put it in the map, so you can easily check the disparity between districts.

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Map - 2015年各地房价

Circle’s size is calculated by the population of the country; circle’s depth of color is calculated by the housing prices in 2015. Coaster cities have deep color than inland cities. Though with fewer populations, Shenzhen has the deepest color, Chengdu the opposite.

Housing prices are changing all the time. If you think the average doesn’t mean much,let’s take a rough view of how the housing prices have changed.

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Heat Map -2006~2015年各地房价变化热力图


Almost in every city, housing prices are keeping rising, especially those first tier cities. Those less developed cities such as Yinchuan and Xining hold a stable and sluggish increase. The housing price of Shenzhen in 2006 is 9385 yuan per square meter, but in 2015 it rockets to 33942 yuan per square meter. That means through the ten years, housing price rises by 6.73 yuan per square meter each day. If you are going to buy a unit of 100 square meters, you must pay more 673 yuan tomorrow than today. But if you buy such a unit in Xining, you’ll just pay more 69.8 yuan.

There is something that might make you feel more comfortable. Those with high housing prices often provide high salaries, but NOT Shenzhen. Shenzhen performs badly compared to Guangzhou, Tianjin, Nanjing and Hangzhou. Employees get almost the same salary; they are more likely to buy a house in Tianjin. Housing prices of most cities are between 5,000 ~ 10,000 yuan per square meter. In this group,people in Qingdao, Dalian, Chengdu and Jinan earn more, followed by Yinchuan, Changsha,Nanning, Hefei and Wuhan.

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Bubble Chart - 2006~2015年各地工资与房价动态变化

Let’sdig further to see if employees’ pay grows with the housing price through tenyears.

It’s the top five cities.

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Line Chart - 北京、上海、深圳、广州、杭州工资与房价涨幅

Housing prices rise, so does the salaries. Let’s take Beijing as an example. In 2006,provided you are a man earning 40,117 yuan per year (average salary) and the unit you want to buy is 8280 yuan per square meter (average price). You need to work for 20.639 years to afford a 100 square meters’ house,with all the money you earn. In 2015, your salary goes to 113,073 yuan per year, and the housing price goes to 22,633 yuan per square meter. You need to work for 20.016 years to afford a 100 square meters’ house. It is pretty much the same. Whether you buy it in 2015 or ten years ago doesn’t make any difference, or slightly better. But if you are in Shenzhen, things get different. Giving the same assumption, you need to work for 26.731 years to afford such a house in 2006 and 44.886 years in 2015!

What about those cities bottom-ranked?

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Line Chart - 贵阳、西宁、重庆、呼和浩特、银川工资与房价涨幅

People in Guiyang, Huhehaote, Yinchuan and Chongqing purchase a house more easily, and cheaper too!

If you are in big cities, it is probably that you work there for decades but aren’t able to purchase a house. Maybe that’s why people are so eagerly to flee Bei Shang Guang. There will never be their home.

This is the performance of all major cities.

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Box Plot - 2006~2015年各地购买100㎡房子需要工作年长

Want to know about your city? Visit these sites!

Bar Chart - 006~2015年各地房价比较

Heat Map - 2006~2015年各地房价变化热力图

Map - 2015年各地房价

Line Chart - 2006~2015年各地平均房价与工资涨幅

Bubble Chart - 2006~2015年各地工资与房价动态变化

Box Plot - 2006~2015年各地购买100㎡房子需要工作年长

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