

2018-07-14  本文已影响2人  英语学习社

1. 战略伙伴关系

strategic partnership


"Arab states are natural partners of China,"


garner great support


China will help Arab states with transportation infrastructure, speed up cooperation in oil and gas, finance, high-tech fields, the digital economy and artificial intelligence.


China will also build financial platform for industrial cooperation.


China plans to import goods worth over $8 trillion from Arab states in five years and this would bring huge opportunities to Arab states.


China will press ahead with FTA talks with Arab states and invite hundreds of Arab elites to China over the next three years.


"一带一路"倡议 the Belt and Road Initiative

天然合作伙伴 natural partner

金融平台 financial platform

数字经济 digital economy

2. 贸易霸凌主义

trade hegemony and bullying

美国贸易代表办公室(Office of the US Trade Representative)

猫狗粮(cat and dog food)

电子元件(electronic components)

消费电子产品(consumer electronics)

以加速升级的方式公布征税清单(publish a tariff list in a way that escalates tensions)

为了维护国家核心利益和人民根本利益(to defend the core interests of the nation and its people)

一如既往(as always)

不得不作出必要反制(be forced to impose necessary countermeasures)

呼吁国际社会共同努力(call on mutual efforts from the international community)

维护自由贸易规则和多边贸易体制(maintain the practice of free trade and the multilateral trading system)

贸易霸凌主义(trade hegemony and bullying)

就美方的行为向世界贸易组织追加起诉(tack on the case to its suit against the US at the World Trade Organization)


贸易战 trade war

贸易保护主义 trade protectionism

反倾销 anti-dumping

反补贴 anti-subsidy

市场情绪 market sentiment


「双语」商务部:决不打贸易战“第一枪” 不得不被迫作出必要反击

3. 自助游产品

self-guided tour products

做好暑期旅游安全工作(ensure summer travel safety)

紧急通知(urgent circular)

在泰国普吉岛附近海域发生倾覆(capsize in a storm off the coast of Phuket Island in Thailand)

开展安全隐患排查治理(carry out security checks against hidden risks)

加强与气象、海洋、国土资源等部门的联系(strengthen connections with meteorological, ocean, land and resources and other departments)

及时、准确地预测预报严重水情及恶劣天气(deliver accurate forecasts and timely alerts for severe water and weather conditions)

在线旅游企业和平台(online travel agencies and platforms)

下架不合格的自助游产品(suspend unqualified self-guided tour products)

在线旅游企业和平台、产品供应商(online travel companies, platforms and product suppliers) Copy from LearnAndRecord

加强风险提示(better inform travelers of risks)

完善出境自助游应急机制(improve their emergency response mechanisms)

明确相关责任(clarify responsibilities)。


散客 individual traveler

自由行 independent travel

跟团游 package tour

深度游 in-depth travel

自驾游 self-driving tour

旅游保证金 travel deposit


「经济学人」报道泰国洞穴被困事件 揪心!

4. 通信账单管理

management of telecommunication charges

"垃圾短信" Spam: unwanted e-mail(usually of a commercial nature sent out in bulk) ,即(出于商业目的批量发送的)收件人不想要的邮件,也就是"垃圾邮件"。

"骚扰电话" Nuisance phone calls / nuisance calls / unwanted calls

垃圾短信 nuisance texts / spam

立即纠正错收费行为(immediately correct mistaken charges)

从下月起以短信方式按月向用户推送通信账单信息(send detailed billing information to users through SMS beginning next month)

短信端口(SMS portals)

关停涉嫌营销扰民的电话号码及关联号码82个(shut down 82 telephone numbers linked to harassing calls)

堵塞管理漏洞(plug up loopholes in management rules)

提升运营服务水平(strengthen telecom services and management)


群发短信 mass texting

短信诈骗 SMS phishing

伪基站 pseudo base station

电信诈骗 telecom fraud

响一声就挂的电话 abandoned calls

5. 转会


C罗与尤文图斯签约至2022年6月底,为期4年(the contract for Ronaldo is for four years, until the end of June 2022)

年薪(annual salary)

支付等额的税款(pay the same amount in tax)

转会的总价(the total cost of the transfer)

转会费(transfer fee)

职业足球运动员(professional soccer player)

转会 transfer / join / sign(a contract)


球员转会期 transfer window

国际足联(Federation Internationale de Football Association, FIFA)

(C罗)2008年以8000万英镑转会费从曼联转会皇马,创下当时的最高转会费纪录(join Real from Manchester United in 2008 for a then world record of 80 million pounds)

皇马史上的最佳射手(Real's record scorer)

帮助俱乐部两次获得西甲联赛冠军,4次欧冠冠军(help the team win two La Liga titles and four Champions League trophies)

国际足联金球奖(FIFA Ballons d'Or)

金靴奖(Golden Boots)。


世界杯 World Cup

意大利足球甲级联赛 Serie A

欧洲冠军联赛 UEFA Champions League

顽强拼搏的精神 the spirit of indomitable struggle

中国足协 Chinese Football Association

足球改革 soccer reform














