android termux

2018-11-25  本文已影响39人  9682f4e55d71

命令行公交,可以直接在android 下执行命令
并且支持 apt 包的安装


  1. 音量下 代表 ctrl
  2. 音量上 + q 可以调出小键盘
  3. 安装软件包可以直接使用 pkg install * 的命令
  4. 访问本机存储 执行termux-setup-storage
  5. 可以开启 sshd
    a. pkg install openssl
    a. 电脑的 放到 storage/downloads/
    a. 将 cat storage/downloads/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    a. 通过电脑 可以连接上手机了
    A. 手机当前termux当前用户whoami
    B. ssh u0_a201@ -p 8022(为了安全,termux 默认是 8022 端口)
You don't need to root your device. All you need to do is run the following command on a non-rooted (or rooted) device to allow termux to access your existing directories, particularly /storage/emulated/0:


this creates a new directory in termux, ~/storage, which contains simlinks to /storage/emulated/0and can be accessed by a standard gui file manager.

You will need to grant file access to termux when prompted after you run the command.

See here.

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