
2022-03-16  本文已影响0人  xiaoke_donkey


英文 中文
♪ I adore being dressed in something frilly ♪ ♪ 我喜欢穿着带褶边的衣服 ♪
♪ When my date comes to get me at my place ♪ ♪ 当我的约会对象来找我的时候 ♪
♪ Out I go with my Joe or John or Billy ♪ ♪ 跟我的乔 约翰 比利一起外出 ♪
♪ Like a filly who is ready at the race ♪ ♪ 就像一个准备参加比赛的小姑娘 ♪
♪ When I have a brand-new hairdo ♪ ♪ 当我剪了一个全新的发型 ♪
♪ With my eyelashes all in curls ♪ ♪ 睫毛卷翘 ♪
♪ I float as the clouds on air do ♪ ♪ 我如空中的云朵一样轻快 ♪
♪ I enjoy being a girl ♪ ♪ 我喜欢做一个女生 ♪
♪ When men say I'm cute... ♪ ♪ 当男人夸奖我很漂亮的时候 ♪
- Good morning, ladies. - Eighth floor, please. - 女士们 早上好 - 八楼 谢谢
- Third floor, please. - Fifth for me. - 三楼 谢谢 - 我是五楼
Thank you, ladies. 谢谢你们 女士们
- You make it look easy. - Ma'am? - 你看起来游刃有余 - 女士
Operating the elevator, like it's second nature. 电梯操作的可真驾轻就熟啊
Yes, ma'am. 没错 女士
Although I'm sure it's way more complicated than it looks, 虽然我确信实际会复杂的多
- a testament to your skill. - Third floor. - 正好证明你的能力 - 三楼到了
♪ I drool over dresses made of lace ♪ ♪ 我对用蕾丝做的衣服垂涎三尺 ♪
♪ I talk on the telephone... ♪ ♪ 我在电话里 ♪
Good job. 干得不错
So, how do you like working for B. Altman? 你在奥尔特曼房产工作了多久
Well, I've been here for 16 years. 已经工作了16年了
A ringing endorsement. 值得认可
How many times a day do you think that you open this... 你觉得你一天要开多少次电梯门
Fifth floor. 五楼
Ooh, that's me. Smooth as silk. 我到了 电梯平滑如丝
Thank you, Darren. 谢谢你 达伦
Love the outfit. 喜欢你的服装
♪ Who'll enjoy being a guy ♪ ♪ 我会喜欢做一个 ♪
♪ Having a girl ♪ ♪ 有女朋友的男生 ♪
♪ Like... ♪ ♪ 就像 ♪
Good to see you again, Frank. Take care. 很高兴再次见到你 弗兰克 走好
Mrs. Maisel. 麦瑟尔夫人
Beautiful printing. 印刷精美
I've got a pretty mean cursive, too. 我的手写体也很出色
Brearley and Bryn Mawr, I have no doubt. 曾就读布莱丽和布林茅尔 毫不怀疑
So, you're prepping for Christmas? 你在为圣诞节做准备吗
The display department always likes to get a nice jump. 展览部总喜欢先发制人
Never too early to scout for Santas. 寻找圣诞老人永远不晚
Lots of jolly choices out there. 有很多有意思的选择
We screen them fresh every year. 我们每年都会更新
Make sure they're still plump, still personable, still sober. 确保它们内容丰满 个性十足 庄严稳重
So much to think about. 要考虑的太多了
So, you majored in Russian Literature. 你主修俄罗斯文学吗
With a minor in Education. For a split second, 辅修教育学 有一段时间
I thought about being a grammar school teacher. 我想成为一名文法学校老师
- What happened? - I met some grammar school kids. - 后来呢 - 我见识了些文法学校的孩子
No, seriously, I married straight out of college 开玩笑的 我大学刚毕业就结婚了
and had children of my own. Two, actually. 有了自己的孩子 其实是两个
Started my own grammar school, if you will. 也可以说是开了一个自己的文法学校
And you're here for our elevator operator position? 你在这应聘一个电梯运营员的职位吗
Yes, sir. 是的 先生
We usually hire men for that job. 我们一般会雇佣男性
The ad didn't say. 招聘广告可没说
I just think that our lady shoppers 我只是觉得我们的女顾客
- prefer men in the position. - I get that. - 更愿意这个职位是男人 -我知道
Not a lot of practical work experience 你的简历上也没有很多
on your résumé, either. 实际工作经验
But lots of volunteer work. 但是有很多志愿者工作
It's all listed there. I was a candy striper. 都列出来了 我是医院护士的少年志愿助手
And in high school, I helped raise money 在高中 我为一个体操项目的开展
to start a gymnastics program, the Zion Orphanage in Jerusalem. 募捐筹款 耶路撒冷的锡安孤儿院
- Raised $700. - Impressive. - 筹集了700美元 - 令人钦佩
Lots of little Jews tumbling around because of me. 很多小犹太人因为我 生活发生了天翻地覆的变化
Mrs. Maisel, you are a very delightful woman, 麦瑟尔夫人 你是一个非常讨人喜欢的女士
but I'm not sure that being an elevator operator 不过我觉得电梯运营员
is the right fit for you. I'm sorry. 可能不适合你 很抱歉
But I-I have such a passion for it. 但是我对它有很大的热情
I grew up with one in my building, 我在我房子里的电梯运营员陪伴下长大
my sweet Jerry, 我亲爱的杰里
So, in a way, I feel as if my whole life 某种意义上说 我感觉我的全部生命
- has been leading up to this. - Your whole life? - 都引导我走向这个职位 - 你的全部生命
And I really hit it off with Darren on the way up. 而且我在上来的时候真的和达伦一拍即合
Lots of informative shoptalk. 很多有用的职业用语
Darren is very personable. 达伦很受欢迎
And the uniform. Picture me in that hat 还有那身制服 想象一下我戴着帽子
and the coat with a tapered waist. I mean, come on. 穿着那身外套 扭着水蛇腰 简直了
Thank you for coming in. 感谢你的到来
Les Tarlow. 莱斯 塔罗
Come on in. 进来吧
Ho, ho, ho. 嚯 嚯 嚯
Ho, ho, ho! 嚯 嚯 嚯
Ho, ho, ho. Merry Christmas! 嚯 嚯 嚯 圣诞节快乐
I just go through periods where nothing looks good. 我正处于看什么都不好看的阶段
Well, that's not true and you know it. 那不是真的 你知道的
I guess I can just stick with red. 我觉得我坚持推荐红色
Can't go too wrong there. 错误至极
Well, you could try a dark pink lipstick, too. 你也可以试一下深粉色唇膏
That might work better with the pink you picked for your rouge. 如果你想选口红的话粉色更合适一些
Please. I just worked up the courage to wear red 拜托 我刚刚鼓起勇气涂红色
in a vain attempt to look like Leslie Caron in Gigi. 徒劳地想模仿金粉世界里的莱斯利 卡伦
Red works great with pink. 红色和粉色很搭
Pardon me? 请再说一遍
And it's terrific with your complexion. 对你的肤色极其适合
You have some natural rosiness. Just be sure to pick a tone 你皮肤天生有点蔷薇色 只要选一种
that doesn't augment that too much. 不会太冲撞的色调即可
- Keep it subtle. - I like subtle. - 保持独创性 - 我喜欢独创性
That's Raven Red. 那是黑红色
Try Cherries in the Snow. 试一下柜台里的樱桃色
That'll get you close to Caron. 那会让你看起来很像卡伦
I like that. 我喜欢
- A lot. - I do, too. - 特别喜欢 - 我也是
You're a dream. Both of you. 你们像梦幻一样美好 你们两个
Thank you. Give me three of these. 谢谢你 给我来3支
I'll meet you down at the register, Mrs. Stapleton. 我去帮你登记一下 斯泰普尔顿夫人
Wonderful. 好极了
Wow. What is your name? 哇哦 你叫什么呢
Midge Maisel. 米琪 麦瑟尔
Mary Petrusca. 玛丽 皮特斯卡
You should get my commission. 我应该给你佣金
- No. - Really. - 不用了 - 说真的
How about the makeup counter? 化妆柜台怎么样
- Good morning, Mr. Weissman. - Good morning, Zelda. - 早上好 韦斯曼先生- 早上好 塞尔达
Listen, I have a faculty meeting this morning, 我今天早上有个教授会议
and Zed Lieberman will drone on and on again, 泽德 利伯曼不停地在我耳边说话
repetitiously, unendingly. 反反复复 永无止境
- Do you understand? - Zed Lieberman is boring. - 你理解吗 -泽德 利伯曼很无聊
So I need a copious amount of coffee to keep me awake. 所以我需要大量的咖啡保持清醒
- In a thermos? - A thermos? No, not a thermos. - 在保温瓶里吗 -保温瓶 不 不要保温瓶
Zelda, right now, just a big, strong cup. 塞尔达 现在 只要一大杯浓咖啡
Yes, Mr. Weissman. 好的 韦斯曼先生
Morning, Mama. Morning, Papa. 早上好 妈妈 早上好 爸爸
- Aha. - Mwah. Morning, Zelda. -啊哈 - 早上好 塞尔达
Good morning, Miss Miriam. Would you like some coffee? 早上好 米里亚姆小姐 你想来点咖啡吗
I'll just grab some on the street. 我在街上随便吃了点
Can you watch the kids today? I'm home by 5:00. 你今天能帮忙带小孩吗 我五点到家
Of course. Where are you off to in such a rush? 当然可以 你急着去哪
I'm going to work. 我要去工作
What? 什么
I got a job. 我得到了一份工作
Why? 为什么
I need money. My own money, with no strings. 我需要钱 我自己的钱 无附加条件的钱
- Strings? - Part-time for now, - 附加 - 现在还是兼职
but I'll have an employee review in one month, 不过一个月后我会有员工评估
and if they like my performance, 如果他们喜欢我的表现
I will be a full-time makeup counter girl at B. Altman. 我就是奥特曼房产全职化妆柜台销售员了
- You got a job? - Yes. - 你找了一份工作 - 没错
- You have no résumé. - They hired me anyway. - 你连简历都没有 - 可他们录用我了
- Do you know how to type? - I don't need to. - 你知道怎么打字吗 - 我不需要知道
Okay. 好吧
I told you to study something practical in college. 我早就告诉你在大学要学点实用性的东西
- I remember that. - Russian literature was not that thing. - 我记得 - 俄罗斯文学可一点都不实用
I know. 我知道
Okay. 好吧
- And it's five days a week? - Yes. - 每周工作5天 - 是的
- If it rains, you still have to go in. - I figured. - 如果下雨了你还是要去上班 - 我了解
- And you know how to get there? - By multiple routes. - 你知道怎么去吗 - 有很多路线
Okay. 好吧
- And they're paying you? - Yes. - 他们给你报酬吗 - 是的
- In money? - Yes. - 是钱吗 - 是的
- By check? - Every two weeks. - 用支票吗 - 两周一次
- You'll need a bank account. - I have a bank account. - 你需要一个银行账户 - 我有一个银行账户
- Checking and savings? - Yep. - 支付和储蓄吗 - 对
Okay. 好吧
Your mother can't watch the kids every day. 你妈妈不能每天照看孩子们
Mrs. Fulber will watch them when she can't. 富尔贝太太会照看他们的
Okay. 好吧
- Mrs. Fulber? - Yep. - 富尔贝夫人 - 对
-The one that used to babysit you? - The one and the same. - 过去照看过你的人吗 - 同一个人
She's still alive? 她还活着吗


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