5-Open Position (Spread Voicings
Youtube--'Walk That Bass'-18/08/03
Open Position(Spread Voicings)
Open Position
-Close Position: Playing all the notes within a one octave[八度] range (stacked thirds/block chord)
-Open Position: Spreading a notes of a chord over more than a one octave range. -
Gives a more rich and well rounded sound.
Gives a more 'open' sound and gives improviser more 'room' to improvise.
Open Position Rules:
Generally, avoid 'doubling' a note.
Put the melody note on top of the chord.
If the melody is the root note, you're allowed to double the root note.[当旋律音为根音,可以同时左右手演奏根音]
Avoid playing an interval of a fifth in your left hand.[避免左手演奏间隔五度的音?
--The interval of a 5th just isn't a very interesting (read: dissonant) interval, so is generally avoided in favour of more interesting intervals.?
Option | Left Hand | Right Hand |
1 | 1st & 3rd (or 10th) | 5th & 7th |
2 | 1st &7th | 3rd & 5th |
Song: Moanin'
Chord | Left Hand | Right Hand |
Bb7 | Bb Ab | D F |
F7 | F A(10th) | C Eb |
Song: Satin Doll
Chord | Left Hand | Right Hand |
Dm7 | D C | F A |
G7 | G B | D F G |
Em7 | E D | G B |
A7 | A C# | E G A |