Week1 - A10598- XIAO米
India’s medical tourism gets Africans’attention
Many lured byaffordable treatment, state-of-the art equipment, top-notch doctors andfollow-up
Nagged by a sharp back pain three years
ago, Abidemi Ogbonna from Lagos, Nigeria, decided to visit a nearby hospital
called Apollo. Thinking it was just a minor problem, she was shocked when her
physician informed her that she urgently needed a kidney transplant.The procedure could not be performed locally, her doctor
told her. Flying to India was her best chance of a successful operation. Ms.Ogbonna’s middle-class family could afford the expenses, and so immediate
arrangements were made for her visa.
三年前,受背部剧痛的困扰,尼日利亚拉各斯的Abidemi Ogbonna决定到附近的做阿波罗医院就医。刚开始她认为这是一个小问题,没想到她的医生告知她需要立即做肾脏移植手术。但当地没法完成这种手术,她的医生告诉她,最好去印度做手术。Ogbonna的中产家庭可以承受费用,因此她立即着手办签证。
The Apollo
Hospital in Nigeria scheduled a surgery date with its counterpart in India,
helped secure Ms. Ogbonna’s visa, and booked her flight and accommodation in
India. All she needed to do was pay the bill. Once she did, she took the next
flight and made the long journey to save her life. She was accompanied by her
Ms. Ogbonna’s story is typical of
hundreds of Africans who travel outside of their home countries for medical
India is increasingly becoming popular
with Africans seeking medical treatment overseas, because of its more
affordable, state-of-the-art equipment and its highly skilled doctors. Ms.Ogbonna’s other options were the US and theUK; however, health care there is extremely expensive and getting visas tothose countries is a nightmare, unlike with India, where visas are issuedwithin a week and treatment is comparatively cheap.
State of health
care in Africa
The Global Health WorkforceAlliance, which advocates forsolutions for countries that lack adequate health care systems, said in its2015 report that sub-Saharan Africa was facing a severe shortage of health careprofessionals and lacked adequate health care coverage for those in need ofmedical treatment. This is jarring news to a continent that carries a largedisease burden, including the world’s highest rates of communicable diseasessuch as malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, among others. According to medicaljournalBMJ, “Africa experiences 24% of the global burden of disease,yet it has only 2% of the global supply of doctors and less than 1% ofexpenditures on global health.”
Health care systems in many Africancountries are inadequately funded. For example, Nigeria, which is one of Africa’srichest countries with a national income of $594,257 billion (before the recentcurrency depreciation), spends only 4.6% on health care.
About 40,000 Nigerians visited India in2015, half of them for medical reasons, such as transplant surgery, jointreplacement and dental surgery, among other procedures, according to the Indianhigh commissioner to Nigeria, Ajjampur Ghanshyam.
尼日利亚的印度高级专员Ajjampur Ghanshyam说,2015年有大约4万名尼日利亚人到访印度,其中一半是为了求医,比如为了移植手术,关节置换手术和口腔外科手术。
But why are Africans seeking medicalcare in India?
Why India?
Since the 1990s India has been flauntedas a global leader in “medical tourism,” defined as the travel of people to aplace other than where they normally reside for the purpose of obtainingmedical treatment in that country.
India boasts highly qualified doctorsand state-of-the-art equipment, and the treatments are approved by the WorldHealth Organization (WHO) and the US Food and Drug Administration. In additionto quality medical services provided by its hospitals and doctors, patients goto India because medical costs are a lot cheaper compared with the US and UK.
For example, akidney transplant in India costs about $13,000, while the same procedure willcost up to $300,000 in the US.
“The cost of a kidney transplantsurgery with blood-related donor is between $13,000 and $16,000,” says Dr.Dheeraj Bojwani, the director of Forerunners Healthcare Consultants, one of theleading medical value providers in India, which is associated with tophospitals and surgeons in the country.
印度主要的医疗供应商之一,先驱医疗保健咨询机构,提供顶级的医院和医生资源,它的主任Dheeraj Bojwani医生说,带血液供者的肾脏移植手术花费1.3万-1.6万美元,
Dr. Bojwani toldAfrica Renewal via e-mail that the $13,000 kidney transplant package includespreoperative medical checkups, consultations and follow-up, surgery andsurgeon’s fees, anesthetist’s fees and drugs.
The package also
includes the patient’s stay in the hospital (in an air-conditioned deluxe room
with TV, cable, and phone); food for the entire duration of the patient’s stay
in hospital; airport pickup and drop-off; andboardfor one accompanying attendant.
Many patients from Africa prefer ApolloHospital, which is headquartered in Chennai in India’s state of Tamil Nadu.With more than 60 locations throughout India, it has its own health insurancescheme and has established partnerships with 10 international insurancecompanies that assist patients to cover medical costs.
On the cost of drugs, India producesgeneric pharmaceuticals for a fraction of the price in the West. For example,Cipla, a multinational Indian pharmaceutical company, cut the price of HIV/AIDSantiretroviral drugs to below a dollar a day. This brought the cost ofexpensive antiretroviral medications down from about $12,000 to no more than$365 per year.
Besides, the Indian government is
providing additional incentives to attract foreign patients. These incentivescapitalize onthe country’s “exotic” appeal, and include tourism packages allowing patientsto bring along a companion for a discounted travel cost to sightsee landmarkssuch as the Taj Mahal.
For English-speaking Africans such asMs. Ogbonna, language is not a barrier, as English is the lingua franca inIndia. And for those seeking forms of treatment other than surgery, India ishome to alternative treatments such as Ayurveda, a plant-based therapy thatuses herbs, breathing exercises, diet changes, meditation and stretching forhealing.
Follow-up care and
Ms. Ogbonna has recently returned toher home in Lagos where she is recuperating and where she spoke toAfrica
Renewalby phone. Doctors in India advised her to visit Apollo Hospital inNigeria for a follow-up. But she fears that because of a lack of equipment, herLagos doctor may not be able to provide the full post-surgery care that shedesires.Follow-up visits to India maynot be possible for kidney transplant patients who have relapsed and who mayneed to be hospitalized in a matter of minutes, considering the time needed toplan the journey (at least five days to get a visa) and the subsequent flightcosts.
Toaddressthese issues, the Indian governmentestablished the Focus Africa Programme and partnered with the African Union toset up the Pan African e-Network to ensure continuity care for patients.
Established in 2002, the Focus AfricaProgramme facilitates India’s trading with several African countries, includingEgypt, Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa, in affordable pharmaceuticals (inaddition to other trade items) so that they become easily accessible on thecontinent.
The Pan-African e-Network promotestele-education and tele-medicine to ensure continuity of care for Africanpatients treated in India. Tele-education allows one to receive lessons over anInternet connection or video, while tele-medicine specialises in diagnosing andproviding health care from remote locations over a telecommunications device.Such a system allows a patient to access care through teaching hospitals inAfrica that are connected to sister hospitals in India.
Indian health care firms are also taking
steps to create joint ventures with hospitals in Africa. At the moment they areinvesting in Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mauritius and Mozambique.
South Africa
Meanwhile, SouthAfrica has been making medical advances, with statistics showing that in 2012,between 300,000 and 350,000 tourists from all around Africa travelled to SouthAfrica for medical treatment. In addition to shorter travel times than India,South Africa advertises the added allure of safaris and spas.
African travellers
coming to South Africa for medical treatments do so less for cost savings and
more because of South Africa’s advanced infrastructure and medical technology,
as well as its doctors, whose skills areon par
withinternational standards.
For Europeans and
travellers from the Americas and Asia, South Africa offers an affordable
alternative for many cosmetic procedures, thanks tothe weak rand. For example, a breast augmentation procedure that costs$8,000 in the UK would cost about $3,600 in South Africa, according to MedicalTourism SA, a consultancy firm that offers total health care information formedical travellers.
American patientswho pay about $12,400 for in vitro fertilisation, a procedure that helps awoman become pregnant, can expect to pay a third of that in South Africa.
It is for this
reason that the number of African medical tourists going to South Africa by air
has increased by 54% in the past three years to 10,477 asof 2015, notes Seye Abimbola in a blog for the African Development Bank.
Seye Abimbola在非洲发展银行的博客上说,正因为如此,过去三年,乘飞机到南非的非洲医疗旅游者人数增加了54%,达到2015年的1.0477万人次。
Going forward
While medicaltourism will continue as people shop around for prices and countries vie toimprove their offerings, solving the health system challenges in Africa willlikely reduce the amount spent on medical tourism. In turn, savings frommedical tourism can be used to finance or subsidise health insurance for thepoor.
Going forward,Africa should create regional and national medical hubs, as well as tap intopharmaceutical markets in order to produce and distribute generic drugs thatwill reduce dependence on overseas countries for medical treatment. Thoughoffshore health care comes with many benefits, critics say it is notsustainable and it does not necessarily help African economies.