

2020-05-20  本文已影响0人  克克克阿

stirs widespread outrage 激起众怒,painted by sb. as sth. 描绘成,tended to tread a middle(difficult,dangerous) path 倾向于走...的路,tread on sb's heels 紧跟 步人后尘,stoke (up) v. 给..添燃料 煽动激起感受,

pander to sth./sb. 奉承迎合,roll back our rights 削减权利,(scupper) 使泡汤阻碍,pool together the scattered resources 集中分散的资源,high-caliber 高层次高质量的,ambit 界限范围,vie (

with sb.) for 激烈竞争...,interim a.n.暂时的过渡性的,prop up 支持支撑,to put/place sb on a pedestal 盲目崇拜,grip sth. 产生重大影响,tune...to sth. 调整使适合,tune in to sb. 体谅,irk 使烦恼激怒,a holdout 不同意不让步者,

get the go-ahead to do 获得许可,two-pronged 双管齐下的两方面的,be steeped in 沉浸在...里,bungle sth./to do sth.  bungled 搞糟的 失败,chip away at 削弱 铲除,the likes of,xx and the like .. 一类,

crop up 出现浮现,root-and-branch 彻底地,add to the headwinds sb. is facing 面临更大逆风困难,dab the brakes 踩刹车,放慢速度;put spokes in one's wheel 阻挠;run out of way事与愿违。

frown  upon/on sth/sb. 不赞成不许可,commondeer (战时)强占,weed out 清除剔除淘汰,the rosy view 乐观看法,forestall 预先阻止/先发制人做,take to sth./doing sth. 养成习惯,be recast by 被..重铸/洗牌,

stand to benefit from从中受益,at/from the outset (of sth.) 从一开始,on an even keel 平稳地,run into hurdles 遇到困难障碍, looming large (坏事)将发生/引发担忧,

be at a low ebb 处于低潮期,inch up/upward/ahead 缓慢进展,creep up 缓慢上升,plateau n.v. 停滞期,be glued to 迷上,wean oneself off/from 戒掉,v.+时间段+away/out/...(sit out the pandemic) ...方式度过一段时间,

句型:As X picked up / gathered / gained steam,...随着X愈加流行,there is a grain of truth to this, but it misses the bigger picture 有道理但不够全局,On the other side, however, the picture is quite the opposite. 转折用法,XX is at play (in 现象) XX stem in part from YY,XX serves as an explanation for YY.XX是原因,X feels the bite (n.)X bites(v.) into Y,X take a (heavy) toll on Y. X delivers a blow to Y受到严重影响,

@X否定句+any more than Y肯定句: X否定就像否定Y,

@not so much...as 与其说不如说,In the context of XX, XX also has a XX message.


