2022-06-21 Always and Always Pus
The art of getting things done is self-explanatory.
Which are you have got things done no matter what. Even if you don’t feel like doing it, you must leave the couch and get your muscles going. Move. That is the only way to win in life.
The weather is very hot right now, and I’m not feeling like grabbing a glass of water for myself, but imagine what if I listen to my feelings and not to the idea of doing the right thing at the moment?
Where would my health and productivity graph lead? I mean, around 60% of our body is water, and if the water is not enough in my body, how would I be able to produce productive work.
So grabbing myself to the water cooler is the only option I have. I have to fight with this hot summer. No excuses. Only this way of mindset can make me win.
Otherwise, there is no other chance to succeed in life.