武术体操,尽显华美少年壮志 | Martial exercise

2020-11-02  本文已影响0人  你最美2019


Recently, Huamei Foreign language school martial exercise competition has been held on the beautiful playground.


First of all, President Chen Yong Ju made a speech for this competition, and then he announced the beginning of the competition officially!


First of all, Principal jakie Chen made a speech for this competition, and then he announced the beginning of the competition officially!


In the performance of every movement, students’s positive spirit was shown greatly.


Judges evaluated each class in terms of dress, formation, movement and spirit.


Wang Manying, the school consultant and teaching director said that the competition was an important embodiment of the school's implementation of quality-oriented education goals. It not only enriched the students' campus cultural and sports activities, but also strengthened the collectivism consciousness, strengthened the students' psychological quality and enhanced class cohesion.

她对同学们严格要求自己,一丝不苟追求动作规范、准确、 到位的态度以及 良好的 组织纪律性表示赞赏。 她希望同学们要把本次比赛所表现出来的积极向上的精神风貌,团结协作的集体主义精神,齐心协力、奋力拼搏的奋斗精神,不服输、不言弃的执着精神,在平时的课间操中同样表现出来,继续发扬下去。 更希望大家能够把这些态度、作风和精神,体现在今后日常的学习生活中。

She hoped that the students will show the positive spirit of the competition, the spirit of collectivism, unity and cooperation, the spirit of concerted efforts and hard work, the spirit of perseverance, not giving up. These spirits should be encouraged in the daily exercise.


Golden laurel fragrance, cool wind in autumn; Martial exercise, showing youth ambition.

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