爱你所爱(⑉°з°)-♡ 自控 自律

2019-12-28  本文已影响0人  文字健身房

D21/21 self-discipline is the key

if we wanna be the master of our destiny,we should be self-discipline,which is "the ability to make yourself do what you should do,when you should do it, whether you like it or not." plusing self -mastery and self-control.

to be a superior person, we should shape and mold our own character, by focusing clearly on your most valuable task and concentrating single-mindedly until it is 100 percent complete.

Start a higher-priority task and persist with it. The more you discipline yourself to persist on a major task, the more you like and respect yourself and the higher is your self-esteem.  The more you like and respect your self, the easier it is for you to discipline yourself to persist even more.

Do you wanna feel stronger, more competent, more confident, happier, and more powerful and productive?

Then determine the most valuable and important thing you could possibly do at every single moment and then eat that frog.

爱你所爱(⑉°з°)-♡ 自控 自律

