Building a Process Model-Using t

2016-07-25  本文已影响4人  橡果

• MIMO模块则用于将多输入-多输出传递函数归并入单个管理矩阵中。

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|延时模块 | |
| 一阶模块 | |
| 二阶模块 | 参数β的存在允许了模型超调和/或反转响应。 |
|斜坡模块(水平)| 纯积分器(与AIDAPro一致)可以通过在自身模型窗口内部改变模块类型来定义。注意: 到PCTP 2009时,对于仅包含斜坡的模型,默认输入时域(压实点)已经由1改为100。用户需要手动调整此值到需要值。|
|零增益模块| 零增益模块可用于模拟闭环过程动力学。|
|PID模块| (P, I, D)量分别是比例增益,积分和微分响应。在本应用中,微分响应适用于与设定点的误差。|
|求和模块 | |

|Library Window Menu(文库窗口菜单)||
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|Copy(复制)–复制所选中的元素。Paste(粘贴)–在活动窗口中粘贴之前已经复制的元素。Remove(删除)–从活动窗口中删除元素。View(查看)–打开查看子菜单自定义窗口外观。Icon(图标)–打开图标子菜单自定义图标。 Catalogue(目录)–打开目录子菜单以使目录工作。|

These elements can be classified into three categories:
1.The variable blocks consisting of:
• Three types of input blocks: MV (Manipulated Variable), DV (Disturbance Variable) and UNM (Unmeasured Disturbance)
• The output blocks with an output port for POV-to-POV links

  1. The system related blocks consisting of:
    • The sub-system block that contains part of the overall model. A subsystem is in connection with the outside blocks via input/output ports that are materialized inside the subsystem as input/output connectors (or anchors).
    • The InPort and OutPort are blocks that effectively materialize a sub-system’s connection to the outside blocks.
    • The MIMO block is utilized to lump Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output transfer functions into a single manageable matrix.
  2. The different transfer function operators listed on the table below with their respective formulas and applicable descriptions.
    Pure (non-causal) gain block
    Delay block
    First order block
    Second order block
    The β parameter allows for modelling overshoot and/or inverse responses.
    Ramp block (levels)
    A pure integrator (consistent with AIDAPro) can be defined by changing the type of a block inside the model window itself.
    NOTE: As of PCTP 2009 the default input horizon (compaction point) has been changed from 1 to 100 for a ramp-only model. The user has to manually adjust this value to a desired one.
    Zero gain block
    The zero gain blocks can be used to mimic the closed-loop process dynamics.
    PID block
    The quantities (P, I, D) are the gains of the proportional, integral and derivative actions, respectively. In this application, the derivative action is applied on the error from set point.
    Sum block
    To use the “SMOCPro Library Catalogue,” the user must:
  3. Click on the block to be used.
  4. Hold the select (left) mouse button down and drag the element to the model builder widow.
  5. Release the mouse button.
  6. Use the tools in the toolbar to link, align and perform other actions with the elements.
    Library Window Menus
    To access the library window menus, click the right mouse button when the cursor is in the catalogue window. The available menus are:
    Library Window Menu
    Copy – Copy the selected element.
    Paste – Paste an element on the active window that has been previously copied.
    Remove – Remove the element from the active window.
    View – Open the View submenu to customize the window’s appearance.
    Icon – Open the Icon submenu to customize icons.
    Catalogue – Open the Catalogue submenu to work with catalogues.


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