何以此时?Me Too 运动专题报道(中篇)
本文由微博用户@Maxiv想考MTI翻译自 NPR 播客 Hidden Brain: Why Now?
这一期Hidden Brain 是关于 Me Too 运动的专题报道,并从社会心理学角度进行分析。
原文和图片摘自 http://www.kenw.org/post/why-now 版权归 NPR 所有。
VEDANTAM: This is HIDDEN BRAIN. I'm Shankar Vedantam. People often stay silent even when they want to speak up. We may think something in private but say nothing in public. This happens to individuals who've suffered abuse. This happens with entire nations. Duke University political scientist Timur Kuran, says that people pay close attention to public opinion and figure out that sometimes, it's wiser to shut up.
VEDANTAM:这是Hidden Brain,我是 Shankar Vedantam。人们也经常保持沉默,即使是在他们想说话的时候。我们可能会私下思考一些事情,但在公开场合却一言不发。这种情况发生在曾受过虐待的个体身上,也遍布整个国家。杜克大学政治学家 Timur Kuran 表示,人们密切关注公众舆论,然后认为有时候保持沉默更为明智。
TIMUR KURAN: The punishments for expressing a controversial view cover a wide range. At one extreme, there could be a knock on your door at 4 o'clock in the morning, and you can be dragged to prison. You could be taken to a concentration camp. There are societies where that happens. But there are much milder forms of punishment. You can be ostracized from a community. You can be rebuked. Your career can be placed in danger.
TIMUR KURAN:表达有争议的观点而受到惩罚,这种现象遍及范围很广。极端一点来说,你可能会被凌晨4点的敲门声叫醒,接着被拖进监狱,也可能是集中营。这种情况在有些社会是真实存在的。但是有更温和的惩罚形式,您可能被驱逐出社区,受千夫所指,职业生涯也岌岌可危。
VEDANTAM: And so people say one thing publicly and believe another thing privately. Timur Kuran calls this preference falsification. When our views clash with what we perceive to be the prevailing currents, we realize it's dangerous to openly express ourselves. A good example is East Germany during Soviet control.
VEDANTAM:这样一来,人们在公众面前发表一种言论,而私下里相信另一种。Timur Kuran 称之为伪造偏好。当我们的观点与我们认为是主流的观点相冲突时,我们意识到公开表达自己是危险的。一个很好的例子就是苏联控制期间的东德。
KURAN: For decades, communism survived by making the populations it ruled afraid to express opposition to the principles of communism and express opposition to the dictatorships that were running the Soviet bloc countries.
VEDANTAM: The silence around Harvey Weinstein's sexual misconduct operated in the same way.
VEDANTAM:对 Harvey Weinstein 的性行为不端的沉默以同样的方式运作。
KURAN: It was an open secret for decades, we've learned, in Hollywood and in circles that Harvey Weinstein traveled in, that he was a predator of young women, but also, that if anybody called him out on this, he would ruin their careers.
VEDANTAM: There are ways to talk about our secrets, ways to voice our truths while maintaining plausible deniability. The best way - humor. This is from the sitcom "30 Rock."
VEDANTAM:也有很多方法可以谈论我们的秘密,表达我们的真相,同时保持合理的隐晦。最好的方式就是——幽默。下面的一段来自情景喜剧 "30 Rock"。
(电视节目的SOUNDBITE,“30 ROCK”)
TRACY MORGAN: (As Tracy Jordan) Don't do it, J-Mo (ph). You don't want to mess with Weird Al.
TRACY MORGAN:(饰演 Tracy Jordan)别这样,J-Mo(ph)。你不想和奇异的 Al 搞乱的。
JANE KRAKOWSKI: (As Jenna Maroney) Oh, please. I'm not afraid of anyone in show business. I turned down intercourse with Harvey Weinstein on no less than three occasions out of five.
JANE KRAKOWSKI:(饰演 Jenna Maroney)哦,拜托。我不害怕演艺界的任何人。五次中不少于三次,我拒绝了和 Harvey Weinstein 发生关系。
VEDANTAM: And several years ago, at an Oscar nomination ceremony, Seth MacFarlane told this joke.
VEDANTAM:几年前,在奥斯卡提名仪式上,Seth MacFarlane 讲了这个笑话。
SETH MACFARLANE: The 2012 nominees for best performance by an actress in a supporting role are Sally Field in "Lincoln," Anne Hathaway in "Les Miserables," Jacki Weaver in "Silver Linings Playbook," Helen Hunt in "The Sessions" and Amy Adams in "The Master."
SETH MACFARLANE:2012年最佳女配角获得提名的有:《林肯》中的莎莉·菲尔德,《悲惨世界》中的安妮·海瑟薇,《银色衬里剧本》中的杰克·韦弗,《塞申》中的海伦·亨特和《大师》中的艾米亚当斯。
MACFARLANE: Congratulations. You five ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein.
麦克法兰:恭喜。你们五位女士不再需要假装被Harvey Weinstein所吸引。
VEDANTAM: Did you hear that laughter? Everyone got it. Timur says when the Soviet Union tightly controlled East Germany, jokes were common there, too.
VEDANTAM:你听到那个笑声了吗?每个人都明白了。Timur 说,当苏联严密控制东德时,这种笑话在那里也很常见。
KURAN: Jokes about the aging Soviet leaders, jokes about how inefficient the Soviet economy was, jokes about how hollow Marxism was. But when the information about all of these deficiencies of the system were put in jokes, the person telling the joke did not have to take ownership of the claims. Where they drew the line is with writing an article that would go into a newspaper that would put in words, backed up by facts, the deficiencies of the system that you were joking about.
VEDANTAM: There is power in the written word. Sometimes it takes a news article to turn whispered injustices into public outrage. But this is where the story of Israel Horovitz gets complicated. Preference falsification was certainly at play in keeping women like Jocelyn Meinhardt silent, but it doesn't explain everything. In 1993, an envelope showed up in a Boston newsroom in the mailbox of a theater critic.
VEDANTAM:书面文字中有种力量。有时需要一篇新闻报道才能将窃窃私语的议论变成一种公愤。但这就是 Israel Horovitz 的故事变得复杂的地方。伪造偏好确实让 Jocelyn Meinhard 这样的女性保持沉默,但是不能解释得了所有的事情。1993年,一个信封出现在波士顿新闻编辑室的剧院评论家的邮箱中。
BILL MARX: A sort of plain, white envelope addressed to me.
BILL MARX:一封寄给我的普通的白色信件。
VEDANTAM: This is Bill Marx. He now teaches at Boston University. But back in the early '90s, he was writing for the Boston Phoenix.
VEDANTAM:这是 Bill Marx。他现在在波士顿大学任教。但是在90年代早期,他正在执笔与波士顿的凤凰报。
MARX: Which is part of what was then a very proud tradition of alternative presses.
马克思:这是当时 alternative press 非常骄傲的传统的一部分。
(注:Alternative Press是一个美国的音乐杂志,公司设立于俄亥俄州。由 Mike Shea 成立于1985年,目前他是公司的总理,而 Katherine Poecze 是公司主要的负责人,总编辑 Jason Pettigrew、音乐编辑 Scott Heisel。)
VEDANTAM: Bill wrote theater reviews. So when he tore open the envelope in his mailbox, he was expecting what he usually received - a hate note from a pissed-off actor. That is not what he found. This was a different kind of note.
MARX: And it essentially was a plea from an anonymous woman at the Gloucester Stage Company, saying that they were being molested, that they were being, you know, sexually harassed by the artistic director, that they had - I remember that they, in the note, mentioned that they created a buddy system to protect each other, and they wanted some help. And it was really - to me, when I read it, it was a cry for help.
VEDANTAM: Bill was stunned. He wasn't really a reporter, let alone an investigative reporter. And yet, he says, it felt like he'd been singled out to do something, like he was being tested.
MARX: I wanted to check it out. I didn't immediately go, oh, this must be true. But I felt, well, I'm hearing this note. It sounded authentic to me, at least enough to where I wanted to start going out and talking to the actresses to see whether it was true or not.
VEDANTAM: He started reaching out to women he knew had worked at the Gloucester Stage Company.
MARX: Sometimes I would have to call two or three times. At times, they were reluctant. They will say, well, I'd like to talk, but I can't talk now, or let me think about this.
VEDANTAM: But slowly, women began to tell him their stories.
MARX: I mean, there was a tremendous amount of feeling, particularly among the actresses, that if this came out, they would not get jobs; they'd be labeled as being very difficult to work with. So that - they were putting a lot on the line when they were doing this.
马克思:我的意思是,有很多这样的感觉,特别是在女演员中间,如果这件事暴露了,他们就不会得到工作; 他们被贴上难以共事的标签。就这样,他们这样做的时候真的是孤注一掷。
VEDANTAM: It's important to note that at this time, Israel Horovitz was a big fish in a small pond. He was an internationally known playwright, running a powerhouse theater in an old, gritty fishing town.
VEDANTAM:值得注意的是,此时,Israel Horovitz 是一个小池塘里的大鱼。他是一位国际知名的剧作家,在一个古老渔镇里经营着一个强大的剧院。
MARX: He had a bit of celebrity star power. And he used to drive around Gloucester in a little sports car with a license plate that had author in - you know, in capital letters. And he used to wear sort of a beret.
In the 1990s, Laura Crook
In the 1990s, Laura Crook performed in the Israel Horovitz plays Strong-Man's Weak Child and North Shore Fish. Crook says Horovitz assaulted her on multiple occasions.
在20世纪90年代,Laura Crook 在 Israel Horovitz 制作的戏剧 Strong-Man's Weak Child 和 North Shore Fish 中出演。Laura Crook 指控 Israel Horovitz 曾多次强奸她。
Poster for Israel Horovitz's production of North Shore Fish, whose cast included actor Laura Crook. Crook was one of the women who anonymously accused Horovitz of sexual misconduct in 1993.
Israel Horovitz 制作的戏剧 North Shore Fish 海报,演员包括演员 Laura Crook。 Crook 是1993年匿名指控 Horovitz 性行为不端的妇女之一。
VEDANTAM: Laura Crook remembers that vanity plate. She's one of the women who reached out to Bill with a story to share. They agreed to meet in his apartment.
VEDANTAM:Laura Crook 记得那种虚荣啊架子。她是来与比尔分享故事的女性之一。他们相约在他的公寓见面。
CROOK: We went in, sat down. He gave me a glass of water and had his little tape recorder. Then he said, you know, we'll start when you're ready.
VEDANTAM: In the summer of 1989, she said she attended the Gloucester Stage Company's production of "The Widow's Blind Date." She told Bill she fell in love with the small black box theater and jumped at an opportunity to audition for Israel the following year.
VEDANTAM:1989年夏天,她说她参加了格洛斯特舞台公司制作的《寡妇相亲》。她告诉比尔,她爱上了这个小黑匣子剧院,并在第二年抓住了为 Israel 试镜的机会。
CROOK: And I went in, and I think I either asked him if he - what he wanted, or he said, you know, OK do the monologue, and I want you to cry three times. And I said, OK. And I did the monologue, and I cried three times. And then a couple days later, they asked me if I would understudy. And I said, yes, absolutely.
VEDANTAM: But even before she started the new gig, a friend in the Boston theater world told her...
CROOK: Hey, try not to be alone with him. And I said, OK (laughter). You know, that's going to be - she's like, just try not to be alone with him.
VEDANTAM: Once she got to Gloucester, another actress issued the very same warning.
CROOK: Try not to be alone with him.
VEDANTAM: Rehearsals began. One day, as other actors worked on a scene, Israel called Laura over.
VEDANTAM:排练开始了。有一天,当其他演员在场上排练时,Israel 打电话叫劳拉过去。
CROOK: And Israel said, hey, why don't we go in the greenroom so we can work on your monologue? And I said, OK, because that's totally normal. There's nothing at all - that's absolutely normal to do. So we went into the greenroom, and we sat down on the couch, and I say, so let's just read through the monologue. And I started to read through it, and then he just was on me, and he had his tongue in my mouth and his hand down my shirt. And I jumped up and made a joke. I said, ha-ha, that's not in the script, ha-ha. He came at me again, and I pushed him away. And I don't know what I said then. I think it's - a lot of blood rushes to your ears in situations like that, and you just kind of figure out how the hell to get out of there.
CROOK:Israel 说,嘿,为什么我们不到休息室里去,这样我们就可以联系你的独白了?我说,好的,因为那是完全正常的。根本没什么的 - 这是绝对正常的。所以我们走进了休息室,我们坐在沙发上,我说,所以让我们仔细读一下独白。我开始通读它,然后他就在我身体上方,他的舌头在我的嘴里游荡,他的手伸进我的衬衫里游走。我跳了起来,开了个玩笑。我说,哈哈,那可不是剧本写的,哈哈哈。他再次来到我面前,我把他推开了。我当时不知道我说了什么。我想是——在这样的情况下,很多鲜血涌向你的耳朵,你只是想弄清楚怎么离开那里。
VEDANTAM: Laura says she wasn't the only one at the theater fending off Israel's advances, so she worked out a buddy system with another woman.
VEDANTAM:Laura 说她并不是剧院中唯一一个抵挡 Israel 得寸进尺的人,所以她和另一个女人制定了一个伙伴体系。
CROOK: Israel didn't like lipstick. He didn't like red lipstick. And so we had a tube of lipstick. I had it in my box on my dressing table. So we would always put on lipstick when he was around.
克罗克:Israel 不喜欢口红。他不喜欢红色唇膏。所以我们有一支口红。我把它放在梳妆台上的盒子里。所以我在他身边的时候总会涂上口红。
VEDANTAM: Another time, Israel asked Laura to come into the shop to hand her some notes. Laura caught the eye of her friend.
VEDANTAM:另一次,Israel 要求 Laura 进入工作室交给她一些笔记。劳拉引起了她朋友的注意。
CROOK: I mean, in true black comedy, it was - she was the technical director, but she kept announcing that she was coming into the shop to get a tool of some sort. She was like, I'm going to get a hammer. And then she'd go in, and she'd get the Shop-Vac and walk out. Like, she would not get what she was talking about. And then he would try to kiss me, and then she would come back in and interrupt us again.
VEDANTAM: It was a kind of job a person would want to quit as fast as possible. And yet, when Laura was asked back for another summer of work, she said yes.
CROOK: You know, I've been thinking a lot about that - a lot recently, but I think over the years, I think about it. I wanted to work. Like, there's just not a lot of work out there. I mean, it's a hard job. It's a hard career. And he wasn't always assaulting you. Sometimes you'd have these really great conversations about show business, and theater, and being creative and the art that we all make. And so I just - I wanted to believe otherwise. You just try to make sense of it so that you can live in this world.
VEDANTAM: Bill Marx understood the dilemma Laura and the other women faced.
MARX: I mean, their careers were on the - they felt their careers were on the line, that they would be labeled as difficult, they'd be labeled as man haters, they'd be labeled as, you know, somehow making things up about Horovitz, who apparently was telling everyone that this is just part of his sort of, you know, theater/Hollywood, kissy-kissy, huggy-huggy demeanor.
马克思:我的意思是,他们觉得自己的职业生涯危如累卵,他们会被贴上难相处的标签,他们会被贴上标记为仇恨者的标签,他们会被贴上对 Horovitz 胡编乱造的标签。他显然告诉大家,这只是他的一部分,你知道,剧院、好莱坞、亲亲抱抱这样的行为。
VEDANTAM: Two of the women told Bill they'd complained to the stage company's board of directors, but to their knowledge, nothing had been done. When Bill reached out to the board president, he was told the women's stories didn't fit the legal definition of sexual harassment. On August 6, 1993, the Boston Phoenix published Bill's article. It included the stories of six women. They chose to remain anonymous but said they would identify themselves if the paper was sued. A week later, the Phoenix published a follow-up story after four more women came forward. Three were nannies who'd worked in Israel's house.
VEDANTAM:其中两位女士告诉比尔,他们向舞台公司的董事会投诉,但据他们所知,并没有掀起任何波澜。当比尔联系董事会主席时,他被告知女性的故事不符合性骚扰的法律定义。1993年8月6日,波士顿凤凰城发表了比尔的文章。其中包括六位女性的故事。他们选择保持匿名,但表示,如果报纸被起诉,他们会站出来表明自己的身份。一周之后,在另外四个女人站出来之后,凤凰城刊登了一个后续故事。其中三个是曾在 Israel 家里工作的保姆。
MARX: To me, I absolutely proved what was going on, given the number of women and the activities. Then, you know, when the second article came out and I was called - all the nannies had called me and, suddenly, I had - and, you know, some other women contacting me, then I felt that, A, I've opened the floodgates. Now they're definitely going to have to do something. How can they ignore this? But it was ignored.
VEDANTAM: Officials at the theater recently said that in 1993, they conducted an investigation and crafted a new sexual harassment policy. The theater said Israel flatly denied the charges and that the women who spoke to Bill did not come forward to identify themselves. But in Bill's article, the board president is also quoted as characterizing the women as tightly wound. Laura Crook remembers being really angry and really sad.
VEDANTAM:剧院的官员最近说,他们在1993年进行了调查并制定了新的性骚扰政策。剧院声称 Israel 断然否认这些指控并且与比尔谈话的妇女并没有站出来表明自己的身份。但在比尔的文章中,董事会主席也被引用为将这些女性描述为夸大其词故意挑事。Laura Crook 记得当时真的特别生气,真的特别伤心。
CROOK: But mostly, like, OK, that's it. OK. I mean, we were two years out of Anita Hill, so we saw how that went. It wasn't much of a surprise. It was just - I hadn't thought about how much it hurt until now, until all of it resurfacing again, what it is to be - to know you're telling the truth and to be summarily dismissed.
VEDANTAM: Laura and Jocelyn's stories help us understand why the #MeToo movement didn't take off 25 years ago. Timur Kuran would call it preference falsification. Princeton psychology professor Betsy Paluck cites a complimentary idea known as social proof. When people are deciding whether to step forward and say something, they look at what happened to others who stepped forward before them.
VEDANTAM:Laura 和 Jocelyn 的故事帮助我们理解为什么 #MeToo 运动25年前没有兴起。Timur Kuran 称之为偏好伪造。普林斯顿心理学教授 Betsy Paluck 引用了引用了一个被称为社会证明的概念。当人们决定是否站出来发声时,他们会看向在他们面前挺身而出的人身上发生了什么。
BETSY PALUCK: It's social proof at its most basic. We want to know - we wonder how we'll be treated if we step forward to blow the whistle on a certain kind of behavior. And we need sometimes to watch someone else do it and to see what, realistically, are the consequences?
BETSY PALUCK:这是最基本的社会证明。我们想知道——我们想知道如果我们站出来告发某种行为,我们将被如何对待。而且我们有时需要观察其他人这样做,并从现实角度看待后果是什么?
VEDANTAM: When Laura and other actors revealed their stories and found it made no difference, other women received a clear message - shut up, stay silent.
VEDANTAM:当 Laura 和其他演员揭露了他们的故事并发现它没有产生影响时,其他女性收到了一个明确的信息——闭嘴,保持沉默。
PALUCK: Women especially used to watch other women report and maybe lose their jobs or just not be heard at all or be disparaged. So that is the kind of social proof that used to inform women's decisions about reporting sexual harassment.