朝圣yatra12: 用一生都看不完的印度历史书!恒河里浸泡自己
location:river side camp in Srinagar close to haridwar
早晨起来都是流水声已经知道是一个美的地方,如果剔除环境污染因素,一切perfect,找到canteen,开放式空间开始瑜伽,地上都是dust,也无所谓,一会几个汤友相继出现,喜欢这种精神;我的轮式站立体式Yoga by river with help Stephanie,她还照了几张很美的轮式;我迫不及待收拾好行李,赶着阳光开chai,大家都很开心,jill咳嗽很厉害,她不习惯这里污染,我经历过很严重的污染长大,但印度空气确实差得多,早餐我开玩笑,因为zurich Alex也在一起:Ch and India dirty@time so opposite瑞士和印度就时间观念截然相反,而且一个极其洁净,一个尽其脏乱,都是我喜欢去的地方,不可能更迥异啦。
上了bus 6,我们都很开心,和Dave 讨论Yoga sutra history !
The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali: A Biography by David Gordon White他推荐书,另外一个纽约DJ Nat在读另一本我也很感兴趣:FOUR CHAPTERS ON FREEDOM: Commentary on Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
his Yoga Sutras into four chapters or books (Sanskrit pada), containing in all 196 aphorisms, divided as follows:
Samadhi Pada(51 sutras). Samadhi refers to a state of direct and reliable perception (pramāṇa) where the yogi's self-identity is absorbed into the object meditated upon, collapsing the categories of witness, witnessing, and witnessed. Samadhi is the main technique the yogin learns by which to dive into the depths of the mind to achieve Kaivalya. The author describes yoga and then the nature and the means to attaining samādhi. This chapter contains the famous definitional verse: "Yogaś citta-vritti-nirodhaḥ" ("Yoga is the restraint of mental modifications").
Sadhana Pada(55 sutras). Sadhana is the Sanskrit word for "practice" or "discipline". Here the author outlines two forms of Yoga: Kriyā Yoga and AshtangaYoga (Eightfold or Eightlimbed Yoga).
Kriyā Yoga in the Yoga Sūtras is the practice of three of the Niyamas of Aṣṭāṅga Yoga: tapas, svādhyaya, and iśvara praṇidhana – austerity, self-study, and devotion to god.
Aṣṭāṅga Yoga is the yoga of eight limbs: Yama, Niyama, Āsana, Prāṇāyāma, Pratyahara, Dhāraṇa, Dhyāna, and Samādhi.
Vibhuti Pada(56 sutras).Vibhuti is the Sanskrit word for "power" or "manifestation". 'Supra-normal powers' (Sanskrit: siddhi) are acquired by the practice of yoga. Combined simultaneous practice of Dhāraṇā, Dhyana and Samādhi is referred to as Samyama, and is considered a tool of achieving various perfections, or Siddhis. The text warns (III.37) that these powers can become an obstacle to the yogi who seeks liberation.
Kaivalya Pada(34 sutras). Kaivalya literally translates to "isolation", but as used in the Sutras stands for emancipation or liberation and is used where other texts often employ the term moksha (liberation). The Kaivalya Pada describes the process of liberation and the reality of the transcendental ego.
就这样我们变成一个Party bus,有nicolay在也很有趣,其他人不是那么 high,我很喜欢Grace,她很凑趣,我也开始high,跳动起来,wim照了很不好看的照片记录事情,我录像发到facebook上。
Chip Hartranft's fresh translation and extensive, lucid commentary bring the text beautifully to life. He also provides useful auxiliary materials, including an afterword on the legacy of the "Yoga-Sutra "and its relevance for us today.这是一个Buddhism !值得看!Chip’s work bridges the traditions of yoga and Buddhism. He is the founding director of The Arlington Center, dedicated to uniting yoga and dharma practice, and has taught an integration of yoga movement & mindfulness meditation in the Boston area since 1978. Chip is the author of The Yoga-Sutra of Patañjali: a new translation with commentary (Shambhala)。
How to know god !The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali is a major work on the practice of yoga and meditation. Learn through these aphorism how to control your mind and achieve inner peace and freedom. Although these methods were taught over 2000 years ago, they are as alive and effective today as they have ever been. This translation draws on the inspired commentary from both Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood.
作者:Christopher Isherwood,无疑是个非常有意思的人,和男友30岁difference,写了无数佳作:Bhagavad Gita, The Song of God (1944, with Prabhavananda)
Vedanta for Modern Man (1945)
Vedanta for the Western World (Unwin Books, London, 1949, ed. and contributor)
The Condor and the Cows (1949, South-American travel diary)
What Vedanta Means to Me (1951, pamphlet)
An Approach to Vedanta (1963)
A Single Man (1964)
我们去Dipping,前面Steve太太排队时随随便便拎起一条腿,yoga people!we can tell!
我是首先下去的,dipping时候头都在河流下,想到的是一个瑜伽行者里面yogi躺在冰冻河流里的醒悟,他意识到自己尘世生活都是虚幻,自己原是洞里打坐的yogi,我从头到脚!7次,非常清爽,没有非常寒冷,bungalow boy很热情的帮助所有女士,他在水里几乎1个小时,他是麦肯锡的顾问,计划做一些不一样的事情;我曾经借了100rupee在寺庙full moon night,和他聊了一下,之后一直惦记还给他;结果最后一个酒店在他换房间时给他,他竟然因为房间窗帘打开是强不是风景要求换房,我在rishikesh也是如此都没有任何想法换,回到现代社会大家要求就变了!
我们bus继续party,我开始主动邀请和播放音乐,weekend mood,一切如此美好,这个旅程开始越来越好!
2.30竟然到了酒店, nowhere on the road!但我们也都ok 啦,因为可以最后有热水洗澡,这一路几乎都没有热水,我第一时间吃完午餐,check in room,换洗完毕,婉言拒绝和其他人一起进城,我自己路边等了很久,拦下一个tuktuk就稀里哗啦开进market,其实还蛮远的,很快就发现没有任何值得买的东西,而且河边就是张乱差,几个伪装政府人拦住我让我捐助为了当地清洁,我心里发笑“没人清洁啊”!
决定去fab india,还是蛮远的,到达一个起码有几个西式快餐的区域,我很兴奋的试衣服,还是选了上海可以穿的裤子,其他长衫也只能印度当地穿;回程很折腾,冻得够呛,把裤子都绕在脖子上才ok,回来就是discourse,我难得坐在后面:
Evening chanting没完没了,I was thinking my lost scarf in the bus, which finish its fortune!Robert提到1987 they met Eddie , 认为他是真正living yogi,Eddie自嘲自己是materialist,我认为有真实一面,他是Jewish,而且凭借S和workshop确实收入不错。Robert说In Hawaii satya was born他投靠Eddie 后先是要做一个yoga magazine called Namarupa yoga。Eddie说Yatra必须经历 hardship,但若干瑜伽老师之后说没感觉到hardship,都是tough cookie,我感受到了,但可以接受hardship,而且不觉着太难过。
Robert推荐书Diana L Eck写了India: A Sacred Geography
Eddie提到同一阶段Indian gods are In contrast with Greek god,我不理解具体指什么。提到Temple is measurable things and subtle unmeasurable things meet,这解释为什么他如此虔诚?我站起来问how to connect 2018 since everyone we like and would like to practice with them and share info! 其实心里希望Robert可以endorse我create facebook group,Both Robert and Eddie saying to use old one problem solved! I think they think too much and so I think too much also! Anyhow we close it 10pm! 比较晚了,就不多想了!