
太冲穴 LV-3

2020-03-14  本文已影响0人  在路上5818

Location: On the dorsum of the foot, in the hallow distal to the junction of the first and second metatarsal bones.

The Location of Tai Chong LV-3 from A Manual of Acupuncture by Deadman

Needling: In the direction of Yong Quan (涌泉穴) KD-1, 0.5 to 1.5 cun (刺向涌泉方向,进针0.5至1.5寸)


1. Spreads Liver Qi (疏肝理气)

2. Subdues Liver Yang and extinguishes wind (平抑肝阳,熄风)

3. Nourishes Liver blood and Liver Yin (滋养肝血肝阴)

4. Clear the head and eyes (清头明目)

5. Regulates menstruation (调经)

6. Regulates the lower Jiao (调理下焦)


1. Headache, dizziness, numbness of the head, opisthotonos, contraction of the sinews of the hands and feet, epilepsy, childhood fright wind, deviation of the mouth, tetany, hypertension.


2. Distention and pain of the lateral costal region, inability to catch the breath all day long, sighing, swelling of axilla, pain of the Liver and Heart, Heart pian with a wiry pulse, distention of the heart, breast pain, epigastric or abdominal pain, periumbilical pain, pain and fullness of the hypogastrium, shan disorder, sudden shan disorder in children, swollen testicles, retracted testicles, unilateral sagging of the testicale, pain of the genistals.


3. Insomnia,easily fearful


4. Blurred vision, cloudy vision, redness, swelling and pain of the eyes.


5. Cracked lips, swelling of the lips, distention of the throat, pain of the throat, dry throat with desire to drink, internal heat with thirst, low grade fever, death-like green complexion.


6. Amenorrhoea, irregular menstruation, incessant uterine bleeding, uterine prolapse, ceaseless and profuse sweating after childbirth, insufficient lactation.


7. Enuresis, difficult urination, retention of urine, painful urinary dysfunction, the five types of painful urinary dysfunction, deficiency-taxation oedema.


8. Jaundice, vomiting, vomiting blood, nausea, constipation, difficult defecation, borborygmus, diarrhoea containing undigested food, diarrhoea with thin stools, bloody diarrhoea and dysenteric disorder, blood in the stool.


9. Emaciation, insufficiency of essence (semen) in men, seminal emission, insufficiency of qi.


10. Lumbar pain radiating to the lower abdomen, lumbar pain, pain of the inner and outer knee, pain of the lower leg, flaccidity and weakness of the legs, inability to walk, cold sensation in the knees and feet, cold feet, pain of the inner malleolus, swelling of the elbow, contraction of the five fingers.



