
2019-04-10  本文已影响0人  生病喝药水



1. Cooperation 及 Model
  1. 优化变量: CP && Delivery Routing
    本来考虑的场景是:用户 i 产生请求,local cache先反应,如果local cache generate cache miss, 请求被转向其他同级cache node。 而 a request routed along a path fails if one of the intermediate nodes on the path is broken. we call this process delivery cost. The more resilient the intermediate nodes are , the smaller the delivery cost is. 在同级协作过程中,如果产生的delivery cost>server cost,delivery cost 则不是一个很好的cache 选择。We seem to take cooperation into consideration in the analysis process. 基于上述描述,建模过程中,需要考虑CP(local cache),&&delivery strategy*CP(cooperation cache nodes),变量>=3,不会解。呵呵呵呵呵呵呵
    通常为max hit rate,选择cooperation,但从remote cache node拉取数据的是时候,由于节点的不稳定性(如拓机)及转发时的消耗。Failure and caching performance are inherently tired together in cache networks since failures result in further searching and routing which, in turn, can significantly increase latency. 路径越长,请求被成功routed to cache node的概率越小,系统产生的cost越大。假定route to cache node过程中生成的cost与系统选择路径概率成反比。或者cost越小,选择在CP的情况下,如何选择delivery,使系统cost最小?
    因为本文中的核心是从某些remote cache nodes拉取信息的时候,由于节点的resilience,其产生的cost/delay可能要大于server node,所以要design delivery strategy。即:\color{red}{the\ cache\ cost\ various\ with\ different\ delivery path。}How to express it? {relevant:delivery strategy的定义值不同影响cost的定义}
    option1:delivery strategy=[0,1]-->路径消耗的cost与选择路径的概率成反比?
    分析:这样定义capture the delivery distribution.
    [Reference "Jointly"这样定义:
    In the case of randomized routing, variables r are random. We randomize routing by allowing requests to be routed over a random paht in P( P is set of paths of routing reuqest for file i to server node) ]
    option2:delivery strategy={0,1}-->将cost定义成Jian-Li形式?
    分析:定义成整数形式,存在的问题是否需要将传输策略变成至少有一个能满足用户需要。[所以有了后续的cooperation分析的想法]。应该不需要。如果没有deliverycelue,至少有一个CP满足需要考虑(如异质分层网络),consider reference[on the complexity of optimal request routing and content caching in heterogeneous cache network && Wei jiang]至少一个的策略不需要考虑,直接routing指向固定的cache node。

每个用户请求通过一定的路径到达cache node。一个请求一次只能由一个cache node响应(但可存在多个能满足请求的cache nodes)。 假设用户i产生对文件f的请求,请求首先到local cache node,如果local cache node没有cache content, 则请求被routing到其他remote cache node。 we assume that requests to content are routed along paths in G, G中包含对不同文件请求的路径P(f,i,n)。选择每种对文件f请求的路径的概率服从分布Q(f,i,n)。每条路径的weight值为cost(u,c,f)。且cost正比于(1-q)。cache node满足用户的条件是: CP && delivery Strategy(DS)。每个用户一次只能被一个cache node所服务。

上述证明。即local cost和delivery cost通看成一类,不做区分。我们假设cost正比于(1-delivery strategy)

  1. 目标: 最小化系统cost
  2. 约束:
  3. 框架

-《Proactive Caching Strategies in Heterogeneous Networks With Device-to-Device Communications》

2. Jointly routing

