Petcome login and register

2019-07-16  本文已影响0人  YFBigHeart
  1. To log in, you need to register an available account。

2.If you have a registered account, you can choose either
account + password or account + verification code to login

3.If the verification code is obtained through the mailbox,
the verification code will be sent to your mailbox by email;
if the verification code is obtained through the mobile phone,
the verification code will be sent to your mobile phone by SMS

Youtube demo video:

4D12A1BA-B1AF-4DB5-83FF-AD4E2D2C19A9.png 15ADA283-872A-4139-A374-F2259C2D6D25.png ED78E858-BC99-4650-8F5A-8751F3CB4858.png 804CE22A-C7C5-4F6A-813F-DB8BADFE7B5D.png

Youtube demo video:


