Day08英语学习,死磕同义词之abolish, annihil

abolish, annihilate, extinguish
They all mean to make nonexistent.它们都指取消、废止。
abolish implies a putting to an end chiefly of things that are the outgrowth of law, customs, and conditions of existence. ant stablish, institute
例子:abolish a poll tax 取消人头税
annihilate suggests a complete wiping out of existence of something material or immaterial.
例子:homes and cities annihilated by enemy attack 房屋与城市因敌人攻击而毁灭
extinguish It is likely to suggest a complete but gradual ending(as by stifling, choking, orsmothering).
例子:a religion that was thoroughly extinguished by governmental oppression. 政府压迫使宗教活动消声匿迹。

每日一句: 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。 The darkness is no darkness with thee.
注: thee 在古英语中的含义是你的意思