Liz 小姐游美国—Airline Service 飞机上点餐

2019-10-10  本文已影响0人  Doris_super

Flight attendants have prepared some food and drinks for passengers. Despite the limited selection, Liz can not wait to enjoy her in-flight meal. Here comes a flight attendant.


Zoey Wilson & Liz Green

Zoey: 航班上最年轻的空姐,希望工作几年后,去电影学院深造

Liz: 19岁的加拿大女生,热爱旅行和阅读,非常乐观

Zoey: Would you like someting to drink, coffee, tea or soft drink?

佐伊: 你想喝点什么,咖啡、茶还是汽水?

Liz: I would like some orange juice to drink if you have it.

丽斯: 如果有的话,我想喝点橙汁。

Zoey: Sure. Do you want anthing to eat?

佐伊: 当然。你想吃东西吗?

Liz: Um, what do you have?

丽斯: 嗯,你有什么?

Zoey: We have pasta with your choice of beef or chicken.

佐伊: 我们有意大利面,你可以选择牛肉或鸡肉。

Liz: Chicken, please.

莉兹: 鸡肉,谢谢。

Zoey: Ok. Here you go.

佐伊: 好的。给你。

Liz: Oh, can I have a blanket please? I feel a little cold.

丽斯: 噢,能给我一条毯子吗?我觉得有点冷。

Zoey: Sure. Would you like anything else?

佐伊: 当然。您还要点别的吗?

Liz: No, thank you. That will be all for now.

丽斯: 不用了,谢谢。现在就这些了。

Zoey: OK. Please wait a montent. I will be right back.

佐伊: 好的。请稍等。我马上就回来。


Parden me, I did not quite get that? 对不起,我没听明白。

Would you mind repeating that, please? 请你再说一遍好吗?

I am sorry? 我很抱歉?

Sorry, but I miss that 对不起,我错过了

Sorry, I did not catch that? 对不起,我没听清楚。

Sorry, I did not understand, could you say that again? 对不起,我没听懂,你能再说一遍吗?

Sorry, what did you say? 对不起,你说什么?


