Cue in to the value of originali
摘自:Toastmasters Magazine September
Creative speech content
First, you need your message to be clear. If an audience cannot follow you, they will lose interest.
Don't include too many facts or statistics. Can you present a fact in a novel way that the audience can understand or relate to?
If you are free to choose your own speech topic, then a good starting place for original content is your unique experiences or stories. By reflecting in-depth on both your passions and the specific details of your experiences, you can create something unique. As Schofield notes, "Originality is about looking at something from a different angle and seeing the value in it that other people may not see."
Creative speech delivery
Slideshows and props should be used only if they help speakers gey their messages across. A golden rule in speaking is to leave the audience with no questions unanswered.
Another important way to be creative is to interact with your audience. You could ask them questions or use humor. which is appropriate in just about any speech.
Creativity in speech contests
Competitive speeches are designed to showcase a speaker's range of talents in a short time.
A common misconception about creativity and originality is that all ideas must be totally new. When speaking, the important point is that any creative device you use in your speech delivery must be adapted to the message of your speech.
While you don't want to copy someone else's idea, you can creatively adapt it to help convey your message.