Day 4

2017-07-06  本文已影响0人  二可



先发制人的;积极的;主动的 Proactive actions are intended to cause changes, rather than just reacting to change.

E.g.In order to survive the competition a company should be proactive not reactive...



• not communicated or described in a clear or logical way; not connected



The reflection of the current social paradigm tells us we are largely determined by conditioning and conditions.

Conditioning: the training or experience that an animal or a person has that makes them behave in a particular way in a particular situation

• 训练;薰陶;条件作用:

e.g. Is personality the result of conditioning from parents and society, or are we born with it?


Condition :环境,条件 The conditions under which something is done or happens are all the factors or circumstances which directly affect it.


Self- awareness enables us to stand apart and examine even the way we“see”ourselves-our self-paradigm, the most fundamental paradigm of effectiveness.


Between stimulus and response


He could decide within himself how all of this was going to affect him. Between what happened to him, or the stimulus, and his response to it, was his freedom or power to choose that response.

文章用了embryonic freedom来形容他所或的心灵上的自由, 从内向外,就像作者在前面所说的inside-out

And we have independent will-the ability to act base on our self- awareness, free of all other influences.


Proactive people can carry their own weather with them. Whether it rains or shines makes no difference to them. They are value driven; and if their value is to produce good quality work, it isn’t a function of whether the weather is is conductive to it or not.

其实看到这段还蛮有感悟的,我自认为我不属于reactive people那一类,但也绝对算不上proactive people., 因为我并不是value driven,离desire driven也有点距离。周围人的看法或多或少会影响我的心情,我并不能对此完全免疫。


No one can hurt you without your consent.-Eleanor Roosevelt

They cannot take away our self respect of we do not give it to them.-Ganhdi

我会慢慢使自己向proactive people靠近,虽然不能完全不在意别人看法,但能前进一点还是要努力向前迈步。

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