
2017-03-16  本文已影响11人  桑桑木

note: review the chapter three

part one vacabularies

1, coax  /kəʊks/ 动词 (用好话)劝诱,哄

If you coax someone into doing something, you gently try to persuade them to do it.

原文: It turns out that the metaphorical “muscle” of willpower can also be coaxed into persevering longer with the right inspiration.

2, survive 动词 挺过;艰难度过

If you survive in difficult circumstances, you manage to live or continue in spite of them and do not let them affect you very much.

原文: She had already survived the 2.4-mile swim and the 112-mile bike ride, and running was her best event.

3, deflate /ˌdiːˈfleɪt/ 动词 使泄气;挫…的锐气;贬低…的重要性

If you deflate someone or something, you take away their confidence or make them seem less important.

原文: Her optimism deflated, and she began to think to herself, This is not going to end as well as it began.

4, fatigue /fəˈtiːɡ/ 不可数名词 疲惫;疲劳;疲倦

Fatigue is a feeling of extreme physical or mental tiredness

原文: Fatigue was muscle failure, pure and simple: The muscles run out of energy stores.

5, small potatoes 小人物,不重要的事

原文: But as much as these temptations threaten our personal goals, they are small potatoes compared with the collective consequences of a society in which most people are chronically drained of willpower.

part two sentences

1, But one thing that isn't clear is whether we run out of power,or whether we just run out of win.

2, Our beliefs about what we are capable of may determine whether we give up or soldier on. 信念!

part three summary

Reading the chapter again, and I got the only one key point: self-control is like a muscle, you need to exercise it regularly.


