abuse, vituperation, invective, obloquy, scurrility, billingsgate

They all mean vehemently expressed condemnation or disapproval.它们都指言辞激烈地谴责或反对。
abuse 英 [əˈbju:s] 美 [əˈbjuz] implies the anger of the speaker and stresses the harshness of the language.
例子:News papers resorted to personal abuse. 报纸采取了人身攻击的手段。
vituperation 英 [vɪˌtju:pəˈreɪʃn] 美 [vaɪˌtu:pəˈreɪʃn] implies fluent and sustained abuse.
它指流利并连续的辱骂。(反)acclaim, praise
例子:If two paranoias living in different surroundings meet,then nothing left but quarrel and vituperation.
invective 英 [ɪnˈvektɪv] 美 [ɪnˈvɛktɪv] implies a comparable vehemence but suggests greater verbal and rhetorical skill andmay apply to a public denunciation. 它指相当激烈,但暗示有更多的语言和修辞技巧,且可用于公众的谴责。
例子:Winter three-sentence statement because ,in June of wounding invective cold;只因为良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒.
obloquy 英 [ˈɒbləkwi] 美 [ˈɑ:bləkwi] suggests defamation and consequent shame and disgrace.
例子:The absence of presumptuous self-conceit in Tito made him feel all the more defenceless under prospective obloquy.
scurrility 英 [skə'rɪlɪtɪ] 美 [skə'rɪlətɪ] implies viciousness of attack and coarseness or foulness of language.
例子:A book full of scurrility and slander. 内容充满辱骂和诽谤的书。
billingsgate 英 [ˈbiliŋsɡit] 美 [ˈbɪlɪŋzˌɡet, -ɡɪt] implies practiced fluency and variety of profane or obscene abuse.
例子:The two men with the barrows quarreled over a market pitch and both of them began to talk billingsgate.