KEIRA (Ausboxer) has highly desirable blooms with natural charm and radiance. The colour of each bloom is subtly different, blending from blush pink to cream to light pink, sometimes within the same rose. The waved appearance of its outer petals make Keira look like it has been freshly cut from the garden. A wonderfully romantic choice.
MIRANDA (Ausimmon) is a large, lovely rose with gorgeous natural romance. Two tones within the bloom add interest and depth to this charismatic rose. When fully open, the many inner petals have a wavy edge that fills the center while the outer, lighter pink petals reflect back for a classic open rosette shape. The rose has a delicate, fruity fragrance with a hint of honey.
PATIENCE (Auspastor) is a delightful buttermilk rose with ruffled petals evocative of fine lace. The creamy yellow buds open out fully to reveal a classic rosette of unparalleled beauty. The romantic coulour, combined with a fragrance of fruit, lilac and myrrh, create an atmosphere of purity and innocence.
TESS (Ausyacht) has a stunning deep, royal red colour, with many petals forming a perfect rosette around a little green eye. A ruffled center, surrounded by larger outer petals, adds great depth to floral creations. This strong and passionate rose offers a bold and stunning choice.
1992年的 艾米丽(Emily)
1999年的 罗莎琳达(Rosalind)
Standard Roses are valuable in the garden, particularly in more formal areas. They create a pleasing effect when grown above shorter plants or roses in flower beds. Alternatively, they are lovely grown in a lawn or alongside a path. Standard Roses are created by budding three shrubs on a stem; hence their dramatic effect. Firm support in the form of a stout stake, immediately after planting, is essential. David Austin’s English Roses, with their more natural growth and beautiful, fragrant, repeat-flowering blooms, make particularly good Standards.
1 Rosa 'Princess Anne'
2 Rosa 'Princess Anne'
3 Anne-Boleyn-with-Geranium-x-cantabrigiense-Biokovo
4 Crocus-Rose-Ausquest-Std
5 Golden-Celebration-Standard-Ausgold
6 Grace-in-containerAuskeppy
7 Harlow-Carr-Std
8 Rosa-Lady-of-Shalott
9 Rosa-Molineux
10 Rosa-Olivia-Rose-Austin
A border of roses is hard to beat for sheer exuberance of flower and fragrance. Many roses, including David Austin’s English Roses, will flower from June until the first frosts. Some people prefer to limit their choice to a range of harmonising colours but this is in no way essential. With the soft, glowing shades of the English Roses, a mixture of the whole range of colours available can be superb. If space permits, we always recommend planting English Roses in groups of three of more to make a definite statement in the border.
1 A-mixed-border-of-English-Roses
2 Darcey-Bussell-Ausdecorum-Hippolyte-Christopher-Marlowe-Ausjump-in-border
3 David-Austins-Renaissance-Garden
4 Rosa-Harlow-Carr
5 Thomas-a-Becket
Roses in pots can bring character and interest to the garden when placed at entrances or alongside paths. They will also soften areas of gravel or paving. Grouping a number of potted roses together will create the feeling of a small garden. They may be moved around the garden or patio as the season progresses and brought to the fore when they are in full bloom. There are varieties of roses suitable for growing in the smallest of pots to the largest of urns. David Austin’s English Roses, with their rounded, shrubby growth and repeat-flowering blooms are ideal for growing in large pots.
1 Anne-Boleyn
2 Benjamin-Britten
3 Charlotte
4 Grace
5 Lady-of-Shalott
6 Princess-Alexandra-of-Kent
7 Charles-Darwin
8 Darcey-Bussell
9 Desdemona
10 Hyde-Hall
11 Kew-Gardens
12 Princess-Anne
13 William-and-Catharine
14 Winchester-Cathedral
English Roses are some of the best-loved, high-performance flowers in the garden, so they are perfect for growing in the mixed border. When David Austin set out to breed the English Roses, one of his guiding principles was that his new roses should have the natural, shrubby growth that is typical of their ancestors the Old Roses. This graceful, bushy habit makes them perfect for the mixed border. Unlike most Old Roses, English Roses have the great advantage of repeat flowering in flushes, providing colour and interest in the border from June through to the first frosts.
1 Anne-Boleyn-Ausecret
2 Benjamin-Britten-with-Geranium-Johnsons-Blue
3 Charles-Darwin
4 Corvedale-Ausnetting
5 Crocus-Rose-phacelia-tanacetifolia
6 Crown-Princess-Margareta
7 Crown-Princess-Margereta-Leander-foxgloves
8 Eglantyne-B-Ausmak
9 Gertrude-JekyllEpilobium-Geranium-Brookside
10 Gertrude-Jekyll-with-Nepeta-Six-Hills-Giant-Digitalis-Pams-Choice
11 Golden-Celebration-with-Knautia-Macedonica
12 Graham-Thomas-Ausmas-foxgloves
13 Grace-Auswinter-and-Heuchera-Marmalade
14 Harlow-Carr-Aushouse-Harlow-Carr-with-Lavender-Hidcote-Blue
15 Harlow-Carr-salvia-alium
16 Heathcliff-Thomas-a-Becket-and-Jubilee-Celebration-with-Veronicastrum-virginicum-Fascination
17 Kew-Gardens-at-RHS-Wisley-Surrey
18 Lady-Emma-Hamilton-Ausbrother-with-Allium
19 Lady-of-Shalott-and-Phlox
20 Lady-of-Shalott-Ausnyson