Peppa pig S01E39The tree house
Peppa and George are visiting Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig.
Granny Pig!(很懂礼貌的两只小猪,见到长辈就问好)
Ganggy Ig!
Hello, my little ones!(奶奶也很亲切的问候她的两个小孙孙)
Before you come in the house, you must take off your muddy boots.(有原则的奶奶)
Yes, Granny.
Peppa, George, look what I've made! Little curtains!
What are the little curtains for, Granny?
It's a surprise!
Do you want to see what Grandpa Pig has made for you, in the garden?
Yes, please.
Grandpa Pig!
Baba Ig!
Hello, Peppa, George!
Look what I've made for you.
A tree house!
A tree house! For George and me?
And the little curtains are for your tree house!
Peppa and George love their tree house! (树屋是每个孩子的最爱,此处用了一个love可见孩子对于树屋之爱之深。由此可见,他们的爷爷奶奶很了解孩子的心头爱)
Thank you, Granny Pig! Thank you, Grandpa Pig!(兴奋之时仍不忘说谢谢,真是懂礼貌的小猪猪)
Who wants to go inside first?
Me! Me!
In you go then!
Before I go in my tree house, I must take off my muddy boots!(不是高兴起来就忘乎一切的小猪猪)
I'm in my tree house! I'm in my tree house!
George? Would you like to go in the tree house, too?
Yes? Who is it?
A young pig named "George" would like to pay a visit. Can he come in?(有点小小幽默的妈妈)
As long as he takes off his muddy boots.
George, take your boots off, then you can visit Peppa in the tree house.
Who is it?
George? Yes? Who is it? It's Mummy Pig.
Have you room for any more visitors?
Hmmmm. You have to say the secret words.Then you can come into our house.(开始游戏起来,游戏是孩子的天性)
I see. And what are the secret words?
I have to whisper them to you.
The secret words are "Daddy's Big Tummy!”(猪爸爸的大肚子深入孩心)
I see!
Say the secret words!
"Daddy's Big Tummy."(猪妈妈和孩子们玩起来了,也很配合孩子定下的规则,尽管在成人的世界里这很幼稚,但这就是建立有效亲子关系非常有效的一种方式)
That's right! "Daddy's Big Tummy!!"
I think those are silly secret words.(猪爸爸表示反抗,但并没有用自己的权威去压孩子,而是委婉的表达了不满)
Mummy, before you come in our house, you must take off your boots.
Of course.