How to capture Java heap dump?
jmap tool under <JAVA_HOME>\bin folder is an effective option. It can be invoked using the command:
Here is how you should invoke jmap:
jmap -dump:format=b,file=<file-path> <pid>
pid: is the Java Process Id, whose heap dump should be captured
file-path: is the file path where heap dump will be written in to.
jmap -dump:format=b,file=/opt/tmp/heapdump.bin 37320
Note: It’s quite important to pass “live” option. If this option is passed, then only live objects in the memory are written into the heap dump file. If this option is not passed, all the objects, even the ones which are ready to be garbage collected are printed in the heap dump file. It will increase the heap dump file size significantly. It will also make the analysis tedious. To troubleshoot memory problems or optimize memory, just “live” option should suffice the need.
jmap print heap dumps into specified file location. This tool is packaged within JDK. It can be found in \bin folder.
[arthas@58205]$ heapdump arthas-output/dump.hprof
Dumping heap to arthas-output/dump.hprof ...
Heap dump file created
1、hprof文件是一种Java Heap Dump文件,可以通过jmap、Eclipse Memory Analyzer或者MAT(Memory Analyzer Tool)等工具生成。
jmap -dump:format=b,file=heap_dump.hprof
2、通过Eclipse Memory Analyzer打开hprof文件,并进行分析:
(1)打开Eclipse Memory Analyzer,选择File -> Open Heap Dump -> 选择hprof文件。