Steven说,regardless of what pattern I use,好像一切都停滞不前了。
<瓶颈期>在各行各业,每个人都会经历。但大多数人都停留在这个comfortable 的时期。就像后文所提到的‘’乒乓球‘’案例,作者认为,practice ,in the absence of deliberate efforts to improve 并不会lead to improvenment,相反,你的表现可能会更差。
这里颠覆了我们对于<老司机>的看法。20年驾龄和5年驾龄的区别或许并不在于技术上,只是老司机形成了所谓‘’long-term memory"。这也是为什么大多数老司机还不敢吹自己到能达到玩赛车的水平。
这时候,作者要转折了,pretty much all of psychological science at the time; Decades of research虽然都认为短时记忆有局限性,但是他看到一篇文章,不这么认为。
“This result had been overlooked or forgotten by the broader psychological research community, but it immediately captured my attention.”
于是他开始redo 这个实验,才有了Steven 惊人的表现。
这里,被试者有一个特点被作者强调,a serious runner—a fact that did not seem meaningful to us at the time but that would turn out to be crucial to our study.
引出 gold standard <刻意练习>
感悟:对于刻意练习的技巧有了初步认识,具体体现在Steve 的层层递进法。不设立很大的目标。一次一个台阶,跟每天跑多一百米是一个道理。<make slow but steady progress> 我猜想作为serious runner 的他可能参悟了这一点才找到了进步的秘诀。
1.dead-on average
dead on 准准的
I make it dead on half past by my watch.
造句:What time is it ?Bang on midnight.
2.This time he repeated the whole thing back to me without a hitch.
go (off) without a hitch
■to happen successfully without any problems顺利进行
•To the bride's relief, the wedding ceremony went off without a hitch.令新娘松了一口气的是,婚礼一切顺利。
造句:The whole ceremony went without a hitch.
3.It was actually a major accomplishment because the past several days had established that Steve had a “natural” ceiling.
Establish 证实
If you establish that something is true, you discover facts that show that it is definitely true. (FORMAL)
Medical tests established that she was not their own child.
造句:The evidence established that he was the real criminal.